Question for everyone on the "smart board"

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Oct 14, 2004
^^^ See people need to mind their concerns in certain aspects I should have cleared that up to begin with. It matters none though because the world just seperates its self from its origins anyway.
May 13, 2002
WTF are you talking about? You make no sense; you need to stick to the 50 cent forum.

It’s VERY important for people to be concerned about what the state is doing to keep them in check because the minute people stop caring, little by little our rights as citizens disappear.

Sure, a plaque of the 10 commandments in a courthouse does not really affect be, however it IS in violation of the constitution which is something we need to make sure is upheld. If it isn’t and we let things slide, then you might as well throw all your rights out the door.
Sep 28, 2002
What the fuck? Some people, in some of the threads in this forum, should reevaluate the language they use, because it seems that the expression of thought tangible and intangible is taking a back seat to quasi-intelectualism in which fools make an effort to portray themselves as scholors in an attempt to impress themselves.

maybe im the biggest offender?

May 8, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
I dont give a shit about the 10 commandments on someones private property but the issue is when the 10 commandments are at a courthouse.

There happens to a be a little something called SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE. Ever hear of it?
ya, thats that one liner by that one KKK sumpreme court judge Hugo Black that became known as "SEPERATION OF CHURCH AND STATE" a man took that constitution out of context, a man of great character, a KKK member!!!!!!!!!!!!
May 8, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Sure, a plaque of the 10 commandments in a courthouse does not really affect be, however it IS in violation of the constitution which is something we need to make sure is upheld. If it isn’t and we let things slide, then you might as well throw all your rights out the door.

AGAIN I ASK WHERE in the constituton does it say "separation between church and state"
May 13, 2002
Mcleanhatch, stop being an ass…you know damn well what I mean.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”

And it's funny you bring up the KKK since they are RIGHT WING CHRISTIANS.
Oct 14, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
WTF are you talking about? You make no sense; you need to stick to the 50 cent forum.

It’s VERY important for people to be concerned about what the state is doing to keep them in check because the minute people stop caring, little by little our rights as citizens disappear.

Sure, a plaque of the 10 commandments in a courthouse does not really affect be, however it IS in violation of the constitution which is something we need to make sure is upheld. If it isn’t and we let things slide, then you might as well throw all your rights out the door.

You complain more then a bitch on her period. Like a lot of these cats on this forum. Some of you act real smart but we all know your nothing but idiots. I know someone will reply with some lame insult. But lets be real for a second. How many of you come on here bitch and then leave and dont do anything about it. Iam willing to bet half of the cats on this board alone do that. Lets just put it at face value. The world is in need of a change for the betterment of man. We all agree with the government doing nothing to help. Anyone we would have elected would still be doing the same things Bush is doing. So face it if your complaining about Bush then you would have complained about Kerry or anyone else we have in office, thats your right and all but shut up and do something about it. Or system of government isnt working and it really doesnt matter who was in nothing would have gotten any better face it, your bitching does nothing but hurt my eyes with the senseless reading I have to do. When you can give to the homeless and wildlife. Boycott the space programs, building of new sports complexes and other places where our money does not belong. Nobody on here is any smarter then the next person. We fight with each other while the higher ups sit and get their stomach full with our misery. Its time to fight and no matter what anyone says we need to pray about it. I know someone will open their mouths with we dont belive in the same God or we dont believe at all, you might offend someone blah blah blah so what. By working together we can overcome and help the less off in society. If your one of those people who believe in only helping yourself your a fool. We are here to serve others not ourselves. Stop crying about shit you cant change, and change the things you can.
May 13, 2002
First off, please learn how to use paragraph breaks. I’m not trying to diss you its difficult to read and frustrating.

2nd, you constantly state that all we do is bitch and don’t do anything about it. Check this this thread; I have clearly stated exactly what I do when I’m not on the internet.

The rest of your post was basically ramblings, but I agree with some of it particularly that we need to come together and fight together.

In regards to your statement on how we need to pray; praying won’t get you anywhere. You can pray and pray for change all you want but unless people are active and actually try to do shit nothing will change. Malcolm X new this and this is the primary reason he left the Nation of Islam.

But at the same time I don’t care if people believe in prayer; my point is simply that we don’t need to pray.

Lastly, I don’t understand what your big problem is with people who “bitch” or only talk about issues and are not active politically. Everyone is welcome to their own opinions and this forum is the place to share them. It’s on that individual if they don’t want to get politically active. I don’t see the problem.
Oct 14, 2004
^^^ People are welcome but you have to agree for a change to take place we need to do something because doing nothing changes nothing. You dont have to political to make a change in society, anything you can do that wil be for the betterment of mankind then do it. Thats what we are here for.
May 8, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Mcleanhatch, stop being an ass…you know damn well what I mean.

“Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the government for a redress of grievances.”.

or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,

2-0-Sixx said:
And it's funny you bring up the KKK since they are RIGHT WING CHRISTIANS.
really!!! i glad yto here you areNT into stereotypes. sure some of them are maybe alote of them are, but that doesnt by any means mean that christianians are KKK member.

oh and by the KKK members are NOT right wing christians, they are right wing kooks, wackos, nutjobs, ect........

to me they are just like you and your kind (commies), only they are on the right saide and you are on the left side
May 13, 2002
Mcleanhatch said:
or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech,
Real cute how you pick one part and leave out the rest.

really!!! i glad yto here you areNT into stereotypes. sure some of them are maybe alote of them are, but that doesnt by any means mean that christianians are KKK member.

oh and by the KKK members are NOT right wing christians, they are right wing kooks, wackos, nutjobs, ect........

to me they are just like you and your kind (commies), only they are on the right saide and you are on the left side
Wow Mcleanhatch, you've really lost a lot of brain cells over the months. You can barely type coherent sentences.

Are you high, drunk or have you been out in the sun all day participating in republican cookie sales?

i glad yto here you areNT into stereotypes.
Me 2-0-Sixx. I happy yOU gAY.

sure some of them are maybe alote of them are, but that doesnt by any means mean that christianians are KKK member.
Christianianianianians?!? Interesting.

No where did I imply that all or most Christianianian’s or Christians for that matter are KKK memberS.

oh and by the KKK members are NOT right wing christians, they are right wing kooks, wackos, nutjobs, ect........
CORRECTION: KKK members ARE kooks, wackos, nutobs etc. that happen to be right wing Christians.

to me they are just like you and your kind (commies), only they are on the right saide and you are on the left side
Well, to me KKK members are very close to your kind since they have basically the same ideology as you and most other conservatives.

KKK = Far right
Mcleanhatch = Far Right.

2-0-Sixx = Far left, in other words, opposite.
Oct 14, 2004
2-0-Sixx said:
Real cute how you pick one part and leave out the rest.

Wow Mcleanhatch, you've really lost a lot of brain cells over the months. You can barely type coherent sentences.

Are you high, drunk or have you been out in the sun all day participating in republican cookie sales?

Me 2-0-Sixx. I happy yOU gAY.

Christianianianianians?!? Interesting.

No where did I imply that all or most Christianianian’s or Christians for that matter are KKK memberS.

CORRECTION: KKK members ARE kooks, wackos, nutobs etc. that happen to be right wing Christians.

Well, to me KKK members are very close to your kind since they have basically the same ideology as you and most other conservatives.

KKK = Far right
Mcleanhatch = Far Right.

2-0-Sixx = Far left, in other words, opposite.

You both have the same ideals just different views on how to complete them. I feel if people dont do anything then they cant complain.