Rob can get the heresy treatment.
Ok Mr. Rob! I'm at the cancer facility in stanford and I can devote my word's of wisdom to your tiny thread. Let's do it my way
Rob you said the following:
Why do some of you complain about the president all the time.
Can you list ONE person who has complained about the president all the time? IF someone does complain about the president whats wrong with it? Is the president removed from scrutiny and the opinions of others?
He is the president and thats that there is nothing you can do about it?
Not one person can change the fact that he was chosen by the elite to lead the most advanced and richest country on planet earth. However that does not limit the public voice and those who have opinion.
It just gets old after awhile of fuck bush this and fuck bush that, iam glad you have an opinion even though it is an ignorant one.
I'm not a fan of ignorance Rob. While I do find it great that people do have opinions, I find it to be ignorant when they have opinions without a logical stance. ROBOTS? SHEEP? I can tell you "fuck bush this" and "fuck bush that" and give you a logical reason behind my statements. They will involve his membership with the SKULL & BONES organization (which should go against EVERYTHING your christian dogma/belief teaches), his connections with the Bin Laden family (something most people didn't know about until they watched Moore's documentary but something I posted YEARS before the movie ever came out) and the bush family connection with the Nazi party.
Save this board for real issues.
Save this board for real issues? Rob in your
opinion what are real issues?
The election has been over since November.
No. The popularity contest that you call "The election" was over in november...well actually it was over before it even started. The
REAL election (something none of us were chosen to participate in) was actually over
YEARS ago.
I know some of you cats wanted Kerry, but hey the guy didnt win so go smoke some herb and sit back and chill.
As my father would say six in one hand, half a dozen in the other. They BOTH are members of the skull & bones, BOTH are global elite, from elite families and BOTH have membership with the C.F.R or T.L.C. Whats the difference? None.
When it comes to religion its cool to talk hella shit about Christians but when I throw a fuck Islam statement out someone has to go all bitchy and say thats not cool bro.
I could care less if you talk about any religion but if you attack HERESY I'll attack back *IF* I feel like devoting my precious attention. IMHO this site has shown EXTREME hatred to muslims and has been tolerent to christians. I remember a lot of "rag head" "sand nigger" and anti muslim/middle east comments after 9-11.
Come on here isnt that a little fake of you to do so. I mean your quick to say Chirst this Christ that but when someone disses your poor muslims its all out Jihad.
Isn't it a little fake to support a person who claims to be led by god but has slaughtered thousands of people for oil? Those poor muslims are human just as you are and they are entitled to FREEDOM given by GOD. If you don't believe in GOD they are entitled to FREEDOM given by HUMANITY and LIFE. This is NOT freedom given by the laws of man or written in a constitution.
BTW can you explain "JIHAD"?
Let it be. If you want to belive in something fine. But damn every post come on let it go.
Can you provide me with one example of a person devoting every post to Bush? Thanks in advance.
If you dont like America then thats fine but shut the fuck up when it comes to dissing it.
Rob part of not like something is stating your opinion in opposition of it. I can "diss" america and explain exactly WHY I'm dissing it. America has NEVER and WILL NEVER treat minorities with respect and when I say america I'm referring to the elite and those who implement capitalism (AT THIS TIME). I can also say FUCK AMERICA and direct those words of wisdom to brainwashed sheep who believe and endorse everything coming from the leaders. I can also say fuck america because of her crimes commited against
humanity.....crimes which go unchecked and unpunished. In each instance I can say it and go in depth about it. Would you like for me to do so? :dead:
Damn that shit is fucking 1960's.
No whats 1960's is the FACT that the people STILL don't have a voice. Whats 1960's is the FACT that people in position STILL get away with mistreating minorities. Whats 1960's is FACT that america is involved with a war it should NOT be involved with. That's 1960's rob....
If you dont like it change it in a positive way dont come on the SICCNESS and say America this or America that.
I see it as a positive way. Especially when one has the ability to provide books and reading to support the claim. The internet is a tool to trade resources and share ideas. How would I have been able to give the people info about the CFR and TLC when half the people have never heard of it? With the net they can easily look the info up, sift through it and find what they need. I can't lug hundreds of books around but I can keep hundreds of books on my hard drives and give them to people at NO cost.
Concerning coming on the siccness and expressing certain views this is THE GATHERING OF MINDS forum. This section of the siccness is reserved for topics about government, religion, life, racism, humanity, science etc etc etc. I endorse free thinking when free thinking is logical. A person can say "fuck god" all they want. If you can say "fuck god" and present your arguement in a logical fashion (as 206 has) I can
RESPECT that and AGREE TO DISAGREE. If you can say "fuck god" and give no logical explanation to support your "fuck god" opinion/statement guess what? :dead:
If you don't like a section of the board being dedicated to those who have a life outside of rap music (btw I get PAID from rap music) you should contact the owners and express your concerns. However I'm very close to labeling you a NEO CON and believe you are against free thinking, free will, freedom of speech and choice.
All thats doing is bitching.
Your thread is bitching. You have not suggested a solution to the "problem" you present. Once again the owners made this section so the other sections would not be saturated with our topics and so far it has proved to be succesful.
From now at least hold that shit to yourself because no one really cares what a person thinks since we are on a message board on THE INTERNET.
This is an illogical statement. Are you a moderator? Better yet are you the owner of this site? The ONLY people who can tell me to hold shit to myself are the mods and guess what? If I choose to NOT hold it I will do so. If we didn't care what others thought we would not respond to each other rob. If you didn't care about what people think you would not have devoted a thread and wasted your time dedicated to everyone on the "smart board".
Thanks for playing.