haha smoov, ud probably shit in your pants lookin at some of the crazy dope fiends walking around the streets talking to themselves. if that place is suburbia ur talkin about, then u aint seen nothin.
i mean i like oakland, but not where i live on east 14th... i need to get out of this shithole.
a while ago this mexican guy in a van was driving through our street, when a random guy jumped in front of his car. another guy comes from behind and shoots open his windows, takes his wallet and his car keys and slice up the mexican guy and stab him a few times... scary shit i tell you..
me and my friend ran outside cuz we heard a gun shot and saw that a mexican guy got hella fucked up.. the neighbor called the police and they came with 9 cars in 30 seconds... fuck the east side O.. i think im movin to west oakland or to piedmont in a little while