If you look in the Strongs Cordordance for the Word Serpent, it means Upright One, The Shining One. THE MOST SUBTIL beast of the Field. The son bares the character of his Father, Do you honestly think Cain, being a murderer, was of Adam? ADAM WAS A SON OF GOD, he was not deceived as the NT says. EVE was deceived, but Adam became her Kinsman redeemer, Because ADAM was OF God, why do you think he is called the (s)on of God. 1st John 3:12 CAIN WAS OF THAT WICKED ONE, Spiritually and Physically speaking. The Serpent was not a Reptile, HE WAS A BEAST warm blooded animal at that time. God cursed him, and in Genesis 3:15 he tells the Serpent(who was under control of satan because the beast had no soul, just like the Pigs that were over taken by Legion in the land of Gedara) I WILL PUT ENMITE(HATE) with THY SEED, CAIN and the WOMAN'S SEED(THE LINEAGE OF SETH WHICH EVENTUALLY WAS CHRIST, WHICH. The SEED of the Serpent which was of the Lineage of Cain throughout the age persecuted the Lineage of Christ. When it said that the Sons of God saw that the Sons of men were fair and they fall. THOSE OF THE LINEAGE OF SETH saw the Daughters of CAIN(worldly women and immoral and beautiful) fair. THE LINEAGE OF SETH WAS NEVER TO MINGLE WITH CAIN, because cain's seed was of The Serpent, Seth's seed was of Adam, The First son of God, ONE EARTH.
Do you honestly think the Plan of redemption was from some stupid fruit? A literal apple or pomegranate? NO! Why do you think Jesus needed to be born of a virgin birth, Because sex, although in marriage is PART OF THE PERMISSIVE WILL AND NO THE PERFECT WILL OF GOD because it involves LUST, he had to be born as Adam was. The Original Creation which is the Spoken Word of God. It says be fruitful and Multiply, If you look throughout the Old TESTAMENT it types everything beautifully with the NT and the Plan of Redemption. Remember Moses and Joshua? What could they do, because they were prophets and sons of God? They could speak the Word, Moses spoke things into existence and Joshua held back the Sun.
Adam was of God, he was a Spoken Creation. Adam was to bring forth of his own kind, by Speaking the Word of God and bringing forth Children onto this earth. When God allowed the Fall in the Garden of Eden, IT WAS ALL PART OF HIS PLAN OF REDEMPTION. SO PERFECT! Man fell because of Lust, And through that Lineage of Seth, God would have a virgin Man Child, Name Yeshua who would not be born of lustful sex, but of SPOKEN WORD creation. That seed in Genesis 3:15 of the Woman was the Holy Ghost, the Lord Jesus Christ.
Brother this goes deeper than any scholar or intellectual conception of the Bible. I've learned soo much of the Word of God, it's become not only a book of History buts it's become alive to me.