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Apr 14, 2004
Southern rappers have better deals because they're connected to big labels and have a huge fan base. Scrap rap is most likely bootlegged 5x more than Homeboyrap. The thing is, they have a big fan base that makes up for it in sales, a lot bigger than ours. The fan bases on both sides are mostly made up of Latinos. See, you have to realize that Latinos tend to buy the Southern shit because to them it's more 'RAZA' friendly. So their cd's get pushed and put in all the big chains in all the stores because they're poplular and in more demand Homeboyrap. Let's look at an example, if you put some Thizz Latin CD next to a cholo'd out lowriding scrap cd in a big chain store in let's say, some small city in iowa. And a paisano walked in (let's called him pepe) and went straight the Latin Rap section and saw the two. There's a bigger chance pepe would pick up the sureno cd because he isn't use to some of our music. Let's face it, not a lot of people outside of Northern California understand or feel the culture and style we have here. They're not exactly use to hearing mexicans saying "nigga" & using a "black style." Now I'm not saying that's what I think it is, I just thank that is what the average mexican would interpret from hearing most of the Homeboy rappers. We don't have a big fan base outside of our region, therefor our music wouldn't sell as good compared to the opposition that already has an established fan base.

Another reason is the quality of the product, like AKAZIE said.
There's not too many Homeboy rappers out there pushing a quality product, except a few. So fools need to step it up, and start making music that ANYBODY can listen too. Not just the same ol' bullshit. Take the newest SAV IT OUT release, that's what we need, more of that.

so maybe more northern cholo rappers like terymte lokote and kriminal sir dyno .. will attract more ppl like pepe because latinos worldwide can related to cholo shit in one way or another.. becuase this style that we have here in the bay is only in the bay and maybe neigboring cities. i completely agree with everyting you said.
Apr 14, 2004
well latinos in the US, der is many different views. i dont think a homeboy rapper goes into the rap game wishing for one day to be a celebrity. its just that hood fame
Aug 17, 2007
Southern rappers have better deals because they're connected to big labels and have a huge fan base. Scrap rap is most likely bootlegged 5x more than Homeboyrap. The thing is, they have a big fan base that makes up for it in sales, a lot bigger than ours. The fan bases on both sides are mostly made up of Latinos. See, you have to realize that Latinos tend to buy the Southern shit because to them it's more 'RAZA' friendly. So their cd's get pushed and put in all the big chains in all the stores because they're poplular and in more demand Homeboyrap. Let's look at an example, if you put some Thizz Latin CD next to a cholo'd out lowriding scrap cd in a big chain store in let's say, some small city in iowa. And a paisano walked in (let's called him pepe) and went straight the Latin Rap section and saw the two. There's a bigger chance pepe would pick up the sureno cd because he isn't use to some of our music. Let's face it, not a lot of people outside of Northern California understand or feel the culture and style we have here. They're not exactly use to hearing mexicans saying "nigga" & using a "black style." Now I'm not saying that's what I think it is, I just thank that is what the average mexican would interpret from hearing most of the Homeboy rappers. We don't have a big fan base outside of our region, therefor our music wouldn't sell as good compared to the opposition that already has an established fan base.

Another reason is the quality of the product, like AKAZIE said.
There's not too many Homeboy rappers out there pushing a quality product, except a few. So fools need to step it up, and start making music that ANYBODY can listen too. Not just the same ol' bullshit. Take the newest SAV IT OUT release, that's what we need, more of that.

95% C/S
Dec 7, 2008
Idk but everytime I go to like Oxnard and Ventura in Southern Cali I get my cousin and his boys and their boys to go to like best but n shit and request for Darkroom, Woodie, Coner and Sir Dyno CD's all the time when i'm their we request in twice a week for like 2 months and onetime in the bestbuy in Oxnard they had the Smile Now, Cry Later Darkroom CD in stock right next to a down CD lol and of all of us coped a copy and had them sell out. idk if they still restock on them since im not their but I saw it happen once so I think if the demand is high then you have a better chance of finding a homeboy cd in stock where you equest it. but definatly promotion and distribution plays a big part in getting cd's sold and stocked up in major stores like bestbuy and F.Y.E.
yea I member that lol cool ass day