Question 4 Norte rap fans.

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Aug 17, 2002
Why is it that non-bangers feel the need to bark so much? 99 percent of the people on this site who talk down on "scrapas" dont even bang. Y'all are just trying to fit in. $K you don't claim shit last I checked, unless you recently started by going up to some Nortenos and telling them everything u learned from this they think you got real knowledge or some shit.
Were you on Cali-stylez when he made that "I was dared to dress in skater clothes" thread bahahaha. Almost 15 pages of everyone talking shit to him. "I aint no skater, I dress mexican now."(<--Referring to dickies and such I suppose?)
Jul 21, 2002
I think a lot of people would say they ain't doin it right if that was the case miggs, in this case you if you're talking about yourself, but you never know.

What I heard of the Big Oso Loc cd, just another day(which was most of the album) was hard as fuck, but only 1 song I heard really touched on being a norteno all the way through the track. There were bits here and there, but not nearly as much as you'd think you'd hear, especially if you've heard the mixtapes, but it was tight to me.

I can't speak for everyone by any means, but I believe if someone was trippin that hard on the issue, they should ease up and just let a brotha get his paper. Afterall, the streetlife isn't handled on wax, it's handled in the streets. Just my two cents.

I got that pm you sent me but I haven't read all the way thru it yet, good look on that tho
Jul 24, 2002
Well said Chris....

Come to think of it, the rest of the world probably won't care much. It's those closest to you who are expecting you to "represent" them....
So they have certain expectations. That's on them though.

I ain't tryin to go backwards you know....
Jul 21, 2002
aye miggidy, I'll tell you like this...

When you look on the inside cover of a cd, and you see the special thanks to: section, I'm sure you find it a little bit tight, if the artist has more to say about God than, thanks for me blessing me with this gift...That is pretty standard. On the messy marv, turf politics, he even went as far as to putting a scripture from the bible. I thought that was cool as fuck cause no one really EVER does that. He ain't rappin about being a Christian the whole cd, but that tiny lil look on that, was some really cool shit to me........SO, if the whole cd said maybe 2 things about being a Norteno, which is usually on avg. how many God references you'll get a cd, yet you show major love to the nortenos out there that you came up with, and all over cali.....what's wrong with that? Anyone trippin too hard on that really ain't worth worrying too hard about if you're handling yours where it needs to be handled. Not everyone can put out a G.U.N. cd everytime out. Stay up
Jul 24, 2002
That was a good example bro.

I'm gonna put it down for them with out a doubt,
it just won't be the way they are expecting it....

But like you said, they are gonna show their true colors in the end.
If they trip out, then it ain't worth it.
All I'm gonna do is try to open their eyes as mine were openned, it is the best thing you can ever do for a friend....


You have one eye OPEN But the other CLOSED/
I am HOPIN That you open BOTH/
I can sense your FEAR/ Armageddon’s NEAR/
But you’re letting PRIDE Get the best of YOU/
You have heard CHRIST Why reject the TRUTH/
The angel of Great Deception is what we’re FACIN/
Don’t fall for DAN BROWN’S/ BLACK OUT/
Fiction presented as FACT/
The caves of Qumran is where the truth is AT/
Something EVIL’S/ out to DECEIVE YOU/
Reached the STEEPLE/ And lied to the PEOPLE/
Covering Yeshua’s WORD/ With DIRT....

With so many bumps in the ROAD/ Its hard to make it HOME/
Wicked people in DISGUISE/ spreadin LIES/
with fake ADVICE/ To steal eternal LIFE/
I'll tell you once, won't tell you TWICE/ Open both EYES....

Vicious words flow out of my MOUTH/ Like Nick Berg's blood pouring OUT/
Might seem OFFENSIVE/
But you're lacking COMPREHENSION/ I'm here to spread a MESSAGE/
You've been DECEIVED/ Even before you were CONCEIVED/
The father of the BEAST/ Mutated our SEEDS/
GREED is in our GENES/ Now we're money FIENDS/
The angel fallen FROM GRACE/ Has put a veil over YOUR FACE/
How can you open your MIND/ If you haven't openned your EYES/
You were born a CLONE/ With an empty DOME/
You've been PROGRAMMED/ By a Satanic ROMMANCE/
Between Politics and the MEDIA/ Givin us no podium for our IDEAS....
Jun 5, 2004
if its good music than its good music, i listen to southern cali shit too, not scrap shit, but anything else. does anybody know if that unknown(thats his name) guy bangs? cuz he got dyno and others on his shit, but i didnt any norte shit.

oh yeah, that Dutch fool, i dont even like his shit, and on one of these threads, im pretty sure it was him, he was talkin shit about x.o. and sayin on all the songs woodie does, people listen to woodies verse then fast forward the rest. even if it wasnt him i still dont like him
Apr 26, 2004
Why is it that non-bangers feel the need to bark so much? 99 percent of the people on this site who talk down on "scrapas" dont even bang. Y'all are just trying to fit in. $K you don't claim shit last I checked, unless you recently started by going up to some Nortenos and telling them everything u learned from this they think you got real knowledge or some shit. And Gz up 415 I'll take u to meet some of my "scrap" cousins and you won't say shit to their faces...guaranteed. There are fools out there who actually know the streets not just what they see on the net....and that is not most of these people...especially the non-bangers jockin.

If you don't bang dont try to get sick wit it 99 percent of the time these mothafuckers trying to pull a Rix and be a Norte cheerleader trying to make friends and shit. Fuck the bullshit if you ain't down you ain't down. Don't sit here oh these stupid scrapas I don't care if you got jumped for wearing red cortez red hat red belt in a southside hood when you don't even bang fool use your head. "I hate scraps their so stupid" thats great...maybe you can go beat some up and come back and post it on the message board. Y'all are stupid, straight up.

Jul 17, 2003
Why is it that non-bangers feel the need to bark so much? 99 percent of the people on this site who talk down on "scrapas" dont even bang. Y'all are just trying to fit in. $K you don't claim shit last I checked, unless you recently started by going up to some Nortenos and telling them everything u learned from this they think you got real knowledge or some shit. And Gz up 415 I'll take u to meet some of my "scrap" cousins and you won't say shit to their faces...guaranteed. There are fools out there who actually know the streets not just what they see on the net....and that is not most of these people...especially the non-bangers jockin.

If you don't bang dont try to get sick wit it 99 percent of the time these mothafuckers trying to pull a Rix and be a Norte cheerleader trying to make friends and shit. Fuck the bullshit if you ain't down you ain't down. Don't sit here oh these stupid scrapas I don't care if you got jumped for wearing red cortez red hat red belt in a southside hood when you don't even bang fool use your head. "I hate scraps their so stupid" thats great...maybe you can go beat some up and come back and post it on the message board. Y'all are stupid, straight up.

WTF? aye homie i gotta scrap cuzin to and thats the reason i hatem cuz that foolz ah bitch.....and i aint never got jumped by no scraps b 4 i've faught scraps and scraped most ofem but aint never got jumped and shit.
Jul 21, 2002
that was a tight verse miggs. Whenever I write for the most part now, I'm on some shit where I try and show both sides, and the choices we have, and the end result. That's why I was lookin forward to doin that song on that remaq beat with you cause I felt like we were on the same's a verse like I was talkin about for a song I was gonna do with ccytzo

You should always look both ways before you cross the street
Because that bitch is always watching, and she’s constantly in heat
and inside of me, I have my guilty conscious steady fighting me
I’m of the hogg variety, the last of a dying breed

Victim of society? Because my parents lied to me?
That doesn’t entitle me, to break the laws they still apply to me
It’s good versus evil but my people want a dynasty
I’m thinking of finer things and why Christ died for me?

I should be in Sunday service instead of accessory to murder
I can’t take it any further, but one foot is in the cooker
And one hand is on the burner, one man in front of jurors
I could live a normal life, or chance that 25 to dirt

Is it worth my freedom? I guess I’ll ask the Lord when I meet him
Should’ve never tried to cheat him, for the blessings I’m receiving
It’s in my nature to be greedy, repeating sinful things I’m needing
To be forgiven so I can see him cause I can’t change alone while I’m breathing