post some old school graffit flix from you and KEED247!
graffiti in hayward fucken sucks now. you got these kids claiming some crew called "img" and they claim to be nortenos, yet most of them are suckers that used to try and click up with b st (scraps) and try and bang on a st. but they only bang if the odds are 2 to 1 in their favor... otherwise they name drop all their friends to try and avoid an ass whoopin ("nah man it wasn't me, i have no beef, it was all brent, im outta this")....
enough about that though....
post more tat flix though for sure...
graffiti in hayward fucken sucks now. you got these kids claiming some crew called "img" and they claim to be nortenos, yet most of them are suckers that used to try and click up with b st (scraps) and try and bang on a st. but they only bang if the odds are 2 to 1 in their favor... otherwise they name drop all their friends to try and avoid an ass whoopin ("nah man it wasn't me, i have no beef, it was all brent, im outta this")....
enough about that though....
post more tat flix though for sure...