pyramids in bosnia??

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Apr 11, 2003
Broadbeach, AUSTRALIA
HERESY said:
I can read less than 1% of the words on the page. However the page deals with Bosnia and Latin locations.

I can read that, I'm Serbian, I don't have time at the moment since it is a pretty lengthy article but I'll get back to you on the summary.

It's called the Pyramid of the Sun according to the article.


Sicc OG
Feb 28, 2006
Hutch said:
I don't know about deep underwater though - that would most likely exclude humans from being responsible
not necessarily.
the sea levels have always been changing, just like the position of the tectonic plates, island or coast regions that possibly could have had pyramids on them were probably flooded, certain areas could have been partly destroyed by vulcanic activities, but there still could be evidence for pyramids hidden somewhere in the ocean or at least near the coasts.
Aug 8, 2003
i remember reading somewhere that when the tsunami hit there was this island somewhere that the waters receeded enough to expose some ancient ruins.. no pyramids tho.. but i wouldnt doubt the possibilty


Apr 25, 2002
FunK-3-FivE said:
what are those stone spheres all over the place?

I have no clue.

@FILA|AUS I actually spent a couple of hours yesterday trying to translate some of teh material (via an online translator.) I tried around 12 different languages, and I was finally able to translate a couple of more words with the translator. However, because of the characters used in a lot of the words, I was unable to translate 99% of it which basiaclly leaves me back at square one lol!

And, you are correct, it does say pyramid of the sun. If you can translate some of the material for us that would be a blessing.
Mar 9, 2005
There definitely may be some pyramids under water, I certainly don't doubt that, just not deep underwater. The sea levels have risen substantially over the last couple hundred years, so there's a chance that structures, including pyramids, have been submerged since then. I can't see us finding any structure more than 10 metres or so down - definitely not in the DEEP sea.


Sicc OG
Dec 10, 2005
over in many years (very many years) i'm sure cities of north america (like new york or los angeles) and cities of europe will be underwater, too, perharps......
Apr 25, 2002
Interesting stuff, thanks for sharing

everyone knows that the pyramid structure is a feature found in different cultures worldwide. I'm just wondering if they are tryin to link this "pyramid" to the Egyptians? Bosnia isnt really that far away, so is it plausible that Egyptians had a peripheral kingdom over there?
May 5, 2002
good shit, I'd like to see it when everythings dug up. I'm not really sold on the fact that pyramids being all around the world somehow links it to some special meaning. IMO its just that ancient cultures were fascinated by the sky and felt their gods were up there, and the pyramid is the easiest structure to build with their technology to reach the sky...
Jul 10, 2002
More evidence that we all come from and are all part of the same 'ONE'. The sooner we realize this, the better off we'll be.
Aug 8, 2003

Bosnia "Pyramid" Is Not Human-Made, U.K. Expert Says

A war of words continues to rage over the alleged discovery of an ancient pyramid in Bosnia.

Bosnian-American pyramid buff Semir "Sam" Osmanagic claims a four-sided hill in the town of Visoko is Europe's first known pyramid, larger than any ever built in Egypt.

But in the latest salvo in this battle, the president of the European Association of Archaeologists said on Friday that he had visited the 700-foot (213-meter) hill and saw no evidence that it was human-made.

Speaking at a press conference in Sarajevo, Anthony Harding told reporters the pyramid-shaped hill was a natural phenomenon.

"My opinion and the opinion of my colleagues is what we saw was entirely geological in nature," the AFP news agency quoted him as saying.

"Further work of the same kind would simply produce the same results. I don't think it would change any view about what the nature of the hill is," he said.

Harding, an archaeology professor at England's University of Exeter, visited Visoko, 18 miles (30 kilometers) from Sarajevo, on Thursday.

European Pyramid?

In April 2006 the Houston-based Osmanagic and a mostly volunteer crew began limited excavations in the area and drilled exploratory wells.

The team uncovered what they describe as large stone blocks shaped by human hands and a network of tunnels fronted by a wide, paved entranceway.

Osmanagic has speculated that Illyrians—ancient ancestors of today's Albanians—could have built the alleged pyramid perhaps as early as 12,000 years ago during the last ice age.

Last month Osmanagic told National Geographic News that he was "100 percent convinced" that the pyramid was real.

Those claims have drawn near unanimous contempt from professional archaeologists.

Harding, an expert on Bronze Age Europe, has dismissed Osmanagic's theories as "wacky" and "absurd."

Balkan prehistory expert Curtis Runnels, an archaeologist at Boston University and editor of the Journal of Field Archaeology, joins the chorus of skeptics.

"Mr. Osmangic offers no concrete physical evidence to support his claims, despite the fact that they are fantastic," he said.

"[T]he area was in fact occupied by Upper Paleolithic hunter-gatherers with a Stone Age technology sufficient for building fires, tents, and simple hunting implements like bows and arrows."

"They were not pyramid builders."

Recent Twist

In another recent twist, wire reports quoted Aly Abd Alla Barakat, a geologist with the Egyptian Mineral Resources Authority.

Barakat, who visited the hill at the behest of Osmanagic's team, told the Associated Press late last week, "My opinion is that this is a type of pyramid, probably a primitive pyramid."

To the AFP, he said: "The white stuff I found between the blocks could be a glue. It is very similar to that we have found in the Giza pyramids."

Critics remain unswayed, and some have questioned Barakat's expertise.

Of the alleged Bosnian pyramid, the European Association of Archaeology's Harding said, "You'd be surprised how many natural stone formations can look as if they are man-made."
Apr 11, 2003
Broadbeach, AUSTRALIA
HERESY said:
I have no clue.

@FILA|AUS I actually spent a couple of hours yesterday trying to translate some of teh material (via an online translator.) I tried around 12 different languages, and I was finally able to translate a couple of more words with the translator. However, because of the characters used in a lot of the words, I was unable to translate 99% of it which basiaclly leaves me back at square one lol!

And, you are correct, it does say pyramid of the sun. If you can translate some of the material for us that would be a blessing.
Sorry man I completely forgot about this, I'll get onto it straight away, give me two days.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
How can they find polished blocks at a 45 degree angle with glue in between and a network of tunnels and say that the pyramids aren't man made? Sounds like a goddamn cover up to me. I'd really like to know where the tunnels lead to, whats inside the pyramid, and what it is used for.

If it ends up being nothing that'd suck...cuz readin all this was interesting as hell. Has anybody ever read Chariots of the Gods? Or Home of the Gods? They're old-time conspiracy theory books about how the pyramids were build, and about the runways in ancient South America and shit like that. They talk about theories that aliens build stuff, theories about satellites and space ship runways and the % chance that aliens were read and whether or not they came to Earth. I read it when I was in 3rd grade but I dont remember much of it.
Aug 8, 2003
some new ones in the ukraine discoverd

Gigantic pyramids, very similar to Egyptian ones, have recently been discovered in Luganshchina. Scientists conclude that five thousand years ago, a highly developed civilization lived on the territory of modern Ukraine.

This unusually important find was noticed just two years ago by school-children from an archeology camp. So far, only the top sections of the huge constructions have been uncovered and scientists say that it will take a whole decade to fully clean the soil off the pyramids. In connection with this, under the authority of the Department of Tourism and Protection of Cultural Heritage of the Luganskaya regional administration, a hotel will be built next to the pyramids and the excavation site will become an open air museum.

There is no gold or any kind of treasure in the pyramids; therefore the archeologists are not afraid of vandals. However, the pyramids themselves are extremely valuable, as scientists believe that a detailed investigation into these constructions may radically change our historical understanding of ancient Europe.
Mar 20, 2005
Stealth said:
How can they find polished blocks at a 45 degree angle with glue in between and a network of tunnels and say that the pyramids aren't man made? Sounds like a goddamn cover up to me.

You already know. It would fuck up some European supremacy thought somewhere.