Prove Christ exists, judge orders priest

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Ne Obliviscaris

RIP Cut-Throat and SoCo
Dec 30, 2004
to get back to the original point of the thread, what exactly are the damages here? why is the priest not allowed to voice his opinion that dude is wrong in his conclusion that christ is fictional?

as far as the reality of it, i think most serious scholars that study biblical hiostory would say that there probably was someone, or possibly a bunch of somones that the literary figure of christ was based on, there was a good series of articles in slate on this right before xmas, if your interested in the topic i recommend them.

and as far as dude who was arguing that becasue christianity has been around for a while it must be true, i have rarely heard a poorer justification for a belief. lots of people have believed lots of bullshit for long periods of time, my friend. faith is necesary for chritianity because theere is no empirical evidence. as far as reality is concerned, god, ghosts, aliens and the monster under my bed are all on the same level. if you wanna believe, eat your heart out, but dont think you believe becasue your right.
Feb 9, 2003
2-0-Sixx said:
And there are many scholars that are skeptical of his existance. This debate didnt start today with this thread, it's been debated for hundreds of years.
Redunant, especially considering how I ended my first post.
May 13, 2002
reza said:
^ this discussion will continue till the end of time. The only way everyone can be clearly satisified by Jesus existance would be DNA evidence. Of course that's impossible. What other logical evidence will actually prove his existance? Its even more ridiculous of Judge Cascioli to give that priest thirty days to prove this!
Evidence supporting the historical jesus such as text refering to Jesus during his lifetime, not 70 years after his death.

So far, the earliest text that we know of may or may not be speaking of a man named jesus, other text has been proven to be of other people or inspired by other people and of course there have been a number of forgeries.

Whether Jesus existed is hotly debated, and unfortunately for the believers, their side lacks evidence where the skeptics side has evidence contrary to popular belief. The most damning evidence against Jesus is not what was said, but what wasn't said. No contemporary source ever wrote or mentioned Jesus.

Whether Jesus existed or not does matter to some and to me, if I were a Christian, surely I would like to know if the son of god actually existed or not. I think if there is proof that Jesis did not exist, or was inspired by other people, I would like to know.

or possibly a bunch of somones that the literary figure of christ was based on
I think you hit the nail on the head. But I'd also add other mythical gods.

Ne Obliviscaris

RIP Cut-Throat and SoCo
Dec 30, 2004
^^^religions a funny thing eh?

but as i asked previously what are the damages here? no idea about the italian judicial system, but here you need to prove damages to file a lawsuit, no damages=no standing.
May 13, 2002
smokingoods said:
but as i asked previously what are the damages here? no idea about the italian judicial system, but here you need to prove damages to file a lawsuit, no damages=no standing.
Well I'm not sure exactly how things work in Italy either but if you look at the 6th paragraph you read the following:

"Signor Cascioli’s one-man campaign came to a head at a court hearing last April when he lodged his accusations of “abuse of popular credulity” and “impersonation”, both offences under the Italian penal code."

I'm not sure if this will hold up in court or not, but it does spark good debate.
May 13, 2002
Wow, time and time again you prove yourself to be a complete dumb fuck.

Mr. ViNN707 said:
I think the only reason this is an issue is because an ATHIEST is questioning the existance of a certain MAN in an attempt to discredit SPIRITUALITY.
Impressive investigative work Matlock!

The real question is "why are we here?"
Irrelevant to the topic at hand.

Athiest think there is no reason and that we just happened.
haha, really? So Atheists (make note of correct spelling) believe we just magically appeared on Earth? Fascinating, tell me more about these Atheists!

Spirtual people of any faith believe in a higher purpose that there is some type of reason and meaning to existance.
And I’m sure plenty of Atheists believe there is meaning to existence as well.

Athiest = People living life without reason
haha, really? So I guess I live my life without reason. Oh wait no that would be you.

Spirtual = people living life with a belief of purpose and meaning
And Atheists can have purpose and meaning to life? WTF are you talking about?

Athiest fear no consoquence for there actions
haha, that’s right. I walk down the street and punch random people in the face because I fear no consequences (make note of correct spelling). Good one comrade.

Just a little note: I probably live more of a “Christian life” than most Christians.

therefore more likely to show no remorce and less likely to show compasion to there fellow man.
Really? That’s funny because last time I checked Atheists/Agnostics make up less than 2% of the total prison population in America, even though we make up around 15 to 20% of the total US population. I would imagine that if we non-believers had no remorse and showed no compassion we would commit more crimes than theist, but this is not the case.

Additionally, some of the most hardcore Atheists, including myself, dedicate their lives to improving the living conditions for mankind. Think Lenin, Trotsky, Marx, etc.

"Life is beautiful. Let future generations cleanse it of all evil, oppression and violence, and enjoy it to the full." – Leon Trotsky

Funny that a hardcore Atheist would say such things and spend his entire life fighting for a better world and even died because of it. Why would an Atheist ever do such a thing if he felt no remorse and showed no compassion?
May 13, 2002
Mr. ViNN707 said:
^No need for the name calling I havent called you a dumb fuck even tho' your opinions are alot different from mine.
The term dumb fuck is what I felt best described your response. Making claims that Atheists live lives with no meaning and have no compassion or feelings of remorse sounds dumb as fuck to me.

I'd rather live life with some type of hope and meaning
That’s you but let me inform you that my life does have meaning and purpose.

and I think that the constant attacks on faith and spirituality are useless.
I don’t see how a debate about whether or not Jesus actually existed is useless. To many, if Jesus was proven to not exist it would completely discredit the bible.

My point is even if this athiest can "PROVE" for a fact Jesus never walked the earth in the flesh that still dosnt take away the fact the principals Jesus represents are worth living for and follow.
Sure, you can live and follow the principles of the bible all you want, but again to many, this is an interesting topic and worth investigating.

Thats the whole point of faith
Faith = the belief in something without reason and logic.
Dec 17, 2004
though there is debate, like many debates, this one concerning jesus is a bit lop sided. there is alot more evidence pointing to his existence, not as the son of god, but just as some radical guy from nazareth who actually preached against religion, and rather encouraged living with morals and a spiritual relationship with god. but you cant prove everything with exact emperical evidence. its like the philosphy that says "i am god" - "prove it to me i am not". there are actually ppl walking around that believe they are god (this philisophical belief actually says that we are all god ourseleves), and i cant PROVE it to them that theyre not.

as far as jesus and his claim to be the son of god, no scientist can PROVE that he isnt, and no christian can PROVE that he is. but i will say this - according to historical documents (which is all we can base our opinions on so far for matters such as jesus' existence) this guy jesus (who was pretty much a cult leader) had a following of disciples who denied being his followers when he was crucified for going against the status quo (same way we do to all figures who radically try to bring progress to the world ie che, mlk etc.). weeks after the crucifiction, all these followers who denied him at one point out of fear of persecution, suddenly went out in public and tried to preach to the world that jesus was in fact a divine being, and they were all persecuted and killed for it. i just cant find any psychological reason why these ppl would do such a thing. but as i said, this is based on historical documents. one can choose not to believe it, but then what do use as your guide to understanding the past?
Dec 25, 2003
I think the empirical evidence of Jesus existing is the Christian movement after his death. With no real author, founder, or person to legitimize claims, it would have died out.