I have mixed feelings about this topic. I do agree that these inmates put themselves in prison due to their actions, but constitutionally the c.o's and department of corrections have to follow and obey the proper proticol.. The constitution states that prisoners shall not receive cruel and unusual punishment. And I assume that there are hundreds of laws, rules, by laws and a code of ethics that correctional officers agreed to when they were sworn in. So in theory, no matter how angry they get at the actions of an inmate, they still have to adhere to the guidelines outlined in the constitution..Do rapists,child pedos,mass murderers and career criminals deserve the punishment they get? Yes. But there are individuals in prison for check fraud, forgery and other non violent crimes that get thrown in with animals and are extorted, forced to do more crimes inside all to just survive. And these set of people I feel should not be thrown in with the savages. Their crimes don't fit the punishment.. I don't know if the hunger strike will be effective at all. because at the end of the day the mass majority doesn't give a shit about inmates. The department of corrections is probably like "fuck it, starve urself then".
Conditions for inmates have to improve tho. There are so many diseases spread, hep b and c, mersa(staff infection) and many other blood born pathogens and airborn diseases. More inmates sick mean more medical bill for the state. The 23 hr lockdown that inmates go thru is somewhat inhumane. Yes I think that some inmates need that shit. If u have killed hella people in and out of jail and u order hits on fools then maybe u do need 23 hr lock down. But I don't think that if in inmate that has been placed in special housing/23 hr lock down should be released to the public. U are then releasing an animal to society that will likely snap and start puttin in more work. In closing I commend the inmates for their efforts to improve conditions, but I don't think that the co's or wardens actually give a fuck. All the imates can do is raise awareness of the injustices that they face in prison and hope that the department of civil liberties and other human rights organizations will come to their aid