^^^im talkin about cena vs hogan? what did jamie noble have to do it with? lol school me in on this im lost?
I meant to quote robby.
far as your question heres the answer
WWE > Hulk Hogan still possible for Wrestlemania
Posted by Randy Gordon on 02/17/2009 at 04:22 PM
According to several sites, the WWE has sent out feelers to Hulk Hogan about doing a match at Wrestlemania 25.
From Hogan's end, he has made it clear in recent interviews that he'd love to face either John Cena or Steve Austin and he'd be willing to do a clean job.
As far as WWE goes, the relationship between Hogan and Vince McMahon has been on and off for years. McMahon was said to be angry with Hogan for doing the CCW show (which he felt exposed the industry) but he usually overcomes his issues with Hogan for the sake of business.
WWE seems to be working towards a John Cena vs. Edge match at Wrestlemania, although Edge has also been developing a feud with The Big Show in recent weeks which would leave Cena in a position to face Hogan.
Stay tuned to NoDQ.com tonight for live Smackdown coverage which should give us a better idea of what is being planned for Wrestlemania.