Boner the shit wasnt funny the first time you say shit like that but why keep on saying stupid random ass shit. The Raiders suck and the Warriors aint winning a championship anytime soon, so quit talking about it. Your damn near on Tony's status..........
The Saints are mot better than the Bears, their defense isn't all that when the Bears score 39 points on you, and I'm a Bears fan!!! I can see S.D., N.E., and Indy being ahead of us, but not N.O.
Fuck that. The Raiders were terrible......last year. This year we will be the surprise team in the league. No more Shell and Walsh, no more B and B, no more dated blocking schemes. Teams will be looking past us and we'll win more games than people think. The Raiders are going to be a lot better this season.
The Michael Vick news dropped the Falcons from a spot in the middle all the way down to the bottom of the league. Wait, you say, Oakland is at the bottom of the league. Well, the Raiders are so bad that they are in a class by themselves at the bottom of the barrel.