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May 13, 2002
Me neither. shits crazy.

With lengths over 11m, the giant gypsum crystals found in Mexico's Cueva de los Cristales are a great natural wonder.

Now, a Spanish-Mexican team thinks it can explain how these marvels acquired their immense form.

The scientists studied tiny pockets of fluid trapped in the crystals and conducted back-up lab experiments.

They report in the journal Geology that the solution from which the crystals grew must have been kept in a very narrow, stable temperature range.

The researchers' analysis leads them to believe there are other dramatic caves waiting to be discovered in the Naica mine complex south-east of Chihuahua city.

"If the theory we propose for the 'genetic' mechanisms of the crystals is right, then I would not be surprised if miners find more of these caves in the next few years," Juan Manuel Garcia-Ruiz, from the University of Granada, Spain, told BBC News.


Copious amounts of calcium sulphate would also have been created towards the end of this mineralisation process more than 20 million years ago - but in the hot fluids that infused the cracks and cavities in the rock, this calcium sulphate would have taken the form of anhydrite.

Anhydrite has the same chemical formula as gypsum, except that it excludes water. Only as the magma chamber deep under the Naica mountain cool sufficiently for the hot fluids above to fall to a temperature at which anhydrite could switch to gypsum.


"The conditions were perfect. By maintaining the temperature just below 58 degrees for a very long time you get a few, very big crystals," said Professor Garcia-Ruiz.
May 14, 2002
Just came back from London. Took some pictures of the Freemasons main lodge.
The Freemasons don't seem to be so secret as all, this is what I alway's thought anyway here is the main lodge:

This building is massive! When they are done with their initiations and meetings they go here across the street for a beer:

May 13, 2002
"The Freemasons don't seem to be so secret as all, this is what I alway's thought anyway here is the main lodge:"

Yeah I don't know why people say that. I've seen several Freemason lodges here in Washington (a couple in Seattle (one one University Way), another a bit up north around Marysville, another in Bellevue).

I've seen a number of Freemason license plates like this one:

and various other car stickers/emblems/etc.
May 21, 2002
Sacramento, CA
My mom allowed me to miss school this morning so I could watch the shuttle launch (I was a big NASA geek at the time). I was in Jr. High in Sacramento, Ca. It was such a shock. I knew immediately all fuckdom just broke out and there was no chance any of them were going to survive.

I walked to school in a daze and met Mr. Mathews (my gym teacher) while headed for the office (I was late after all). He was pointing out my tardiness when I blurted out what had happened. He stood there, not understanding for a minute. Then walked me to the office himself. He asked the secretary to turn on the news to confirm my story. We all watched in silence. The secretary cried. After giving me a note I was told to return to class.

In the middle of the class the announcement came. We held a brief moment of silence for hope and prayer. I'll never forget that cold morning in January.

I only have one thing to say about this pic: It is not us who must strive to be God-like, but God himself who must strive not to be man-like.

May 14, 2002
Here are some pictures I took of the London Eye.
You see a big fairis (SP!?) wheel with a lot of pods. Each pot can hold up until 25 people. The time it takes for the london eye to turn completly round you can fly from London to Amsterdam, funny shit.

With Big Ben and the house of parliament on the background

Here you can see how big it actually is
May 13, 2002

At least 170 people have been killed in a string of attacks in Iraq's capital, Baghdad - the worst day of violence since a US security operation began.
Wednesday, 18 April 2007

Hundreds of thousands attended the Najaf rally against the US
Monday, 16 April 2007