possible kod tour lineup for october?

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Nov 7, 2006
hope this shit happens. i can care less if lynch is on there but if SH and tech are touring i'll travel to see it. SH was insane live with the exception of budden actin like an idiot so im crossing my fingers
Jan 16, 2007
im there ROyce is my favorite rapper although now that hes in slaughterhouse they basically holding him back (his solo shit is Ssooooooo much better) tech is now my favorite but the fact they touring together im going no matter what
Jan 16, 2007
^^^^^^exactly where im coming from.......no one can fuck with royce songs like i and me or i owe you and if u from detroit like me the song ride....but these slaughterhouse tracks are ok but nothing special what so ever.....i dunno i feel like they holdin him back
Jan 16, 2007
Why does only half of the people speakin on slaughterhouse ever mention crooked i... Hes damn near doper than Royce.

post up crookeds best song (not verse) and ill put up royces and have a vote......crooked got some good verses but dude aint up to royces level....the 3 songs they did together way before SH royce killed him in it......


Sicc OG
Jun 16, 2004
I think Crooked is often forgotten because they view him as "that gangsta rapper from Cali," and they can't see past that to see the dude is actually a beast in the booth. For the record, I would take Crooked over Royce any day of the week.
Jan 16, 2007
^^^cmon man i personally think crooked the second best in SH but royce has done some shit u gotta respect more so then crooked.....dude he literally took apart em and his crew d12 apart....and em had so much respect for him he aint respond......

listen to royces mistah fab diss...he straight hurts the mans feelings

no maybe crooked could beat royce freestyling....but royce make better songs and also he has better verses then crooked on every single SH track that came out so far.....

but to each his own...im just merely pointing out that if u dont agree with me then at least u gotta say its a coin flip
Jan 16, 2007
^^^it wasnt a battle they told royce and the other 3 mcs that it was going to be them throwing vereses so thats what royce did...he spit some lyrical ass shit....budden and the other dude didnt show...so it was just fab and royce....fabs verese were nothing special he just spit a bunch of NOW type of shit (like throwing other peoples names around) royce did some lyrical type shit which wouldnt be nothing to a live crowd thats never heard it before......

there was no dissing of each other....after which fab went a told everybody and their mothers that he destroyed royce in a battle and kept throwing royces name around....royce then said one line about fab sayin get his money before worrying about royce.....fab then did 2 disses on shade 45 dissin the shit outta royce and then made a song about him throwing proofs name around and also trick trick's and saying he wasnt down with cheddar boys.....SO THEN AFTER THAT ROYCE MADE WHO GOT BODDIED.....so please tell me again how was that a bitch move on Royces side?????????????????????
May 2, 2007
Never said it was a bitch move.

He still got butthurt over nothing.
If I make someone made enough that they go on a seven minute track and talk about how shitty I am, and what not, I feel like I win.

Like, I've really mad you THAT mad.

Also, chill out Krazee. Royce is still overrated, along with the other three members in Slaughterhouse. Why you gettin' so worked up about me thinking a seven minute long diss makes you look weak?

And, are you talking about that The Game track, Kain?
I've never dug Game anyway, so I don't think my opinion would be fair, haha.
Jan 16, 2007
Im sorry but if anyone and i mean anyone dissrespected a good friend of mine who was DEAD then id try and diss him (if not hurt em) as much as i possibly could.....

im not mad at ya i just saying royces Diss was JUST CAUSE....mistah fab over stepped his boundaries.....he knows this cuz thats the reason why he called royce and apologized also 7 minute diss. well fab disses were 5 to 6 minutes so i dont see a big difference of a minute do u?

would u feel a diss would be weak if tech dissed someone who diss him numerous amount of times and also saying brian dennis didnt even like tech and was throwing his name around recklessly....i didnt think so
May 2, 2007
well fab disses were 5 to 6 minutes so i dont see a big difference of a minute do u?

would u feel a diss would be weak if tech dissed someone who diss him numerous amount of times and also saying brian dennis didnt even like tech and was throwing his name around recklessly....i didnt think so
I never said Fab's disses weren't whack.

Also, don't come at me like I'm one of the Tech fans that think everything he does is dope. If Tech dissed someone for 6+minutes, it'd make him look weak, too. I Understand that he was mad about him sayin Proof didn't like him, or whatever, but seriously. 7 minutes of ragin'? Come on.
Jan 16, 2007
i didnt mean to offend you or whatever......but speaking on a deceased person u never knew personally is some bitch shit....royce had every right and was NOT WEAK what so ever he even said that was the reason for "overkilling" him...... in the track also in the track there was about 30 to 45 seconds of some corny ass clown beat playing and also another 1minute and 30 seconds of trick trick and juan talking over the phone to fab not to mention royce singin a hook twice.....so realistically its like 4 minutes not even

btw Yada yada yada was 6 minutes and 10 seconds did that song make tech look weak....FUCK NO that song is the fucking shit........