Pope rejects condom use in Africa

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Nov 24, 2003
Abstinence doen't work when villagers are getting raped. You think the lady in Liberia say's "The Pope preaches abstinence" as soldiers are running a gang bang on her? Condoms will put a band aid on a deep wound. It will help some but not much.


So you think condoms will work when villagers are getting raped? You think the lady in Liberia say's "Condoms are more effective than abstinence" as soldiers are running a gang bang on her?

Your post makes no sense.

The pope said: abstinence is more effective than condoms in preventing aids

I Pukokeki Ioulo Momu: says he agrees to an extent

You say: you take objection and say abstinence doesn't work when villagers are getting raped.

So what would you recommend to stop the transmission of AIDS when villagers are being raped?


Apr 25, 2002
Your post makes no sense.
His post makes perfect sense. From what I gathered he's saying the message of abstinence is null & void when it comes to sexual attacks. Moreover, I take it he's also saying it contributes to a vast part of the problem.

Talking about condoms will put a band aid on a deep wound. Why are these people experiencing high HIV and AIDS rates anyway? Is it due to lifestyle choices such as not practicing abstinence or condom use or institutional deviance, lack of resources for the people, poverty, lack of education, etc?
May 9, 2002
His post makes perfect sense. From what I gathered he's saying the message of abstinence is null & void when it comes to sexual attacks. Moreover, I take it he's also saying it contributes to a vast part of the problem.
This is how I saw it and as I stated, I didn't take this into consideration. I was merely including the folks that partake in sex at will (or at least by means of those not being attacked by other villages).

However, this presents a cultural issue in that I do not know the customs of ANY African villages, let alone the ones that the Pope was reaching out to. Maybe they ONLY have sex to procreate. If this is the case, how can you stop a culture from doing what it has done for thousands of years?

Talking about condoms will put a band aid on a deep wound. Why are these people experiencing high HIV and AIDS rates anyway? Is it due to lifestyle choices such as not practicing abstinence or condom use or institutional deviance, lack of resources for the people, poverty, lack of education, etc?
And i 100% agree with the condom statement. It IS a band-aid and it is obvious that it is not working, as I cant imagine this is the first time ANYONE has presented birth control to these African cultures.

I wish I had a solution, but I do not. I was just agreeing that abstinence was the only SURE means of stopping the spreading of not only AIDS, but of ANY STD's. Other than that, the Pope can kiss my unholy ass.


Apr 25, 2002
This is how I saw it and as I stated, I didn't take this into consideration. I was merely including the folks that partake in sex at will (or at least by means of those not being attacked by other villages).
I understand both of you and I agree with both of you.

However, this presents a cultural issue in that I do not know the customs of ANY African villages, let alone the ones that the Pope was reaching out to. Maybe they ONLY have sex to procreate. If this is the case, how can you stop a culture from doing what it has done for thousands of years?
Yes, this is also a cultural issue, but not cultural as in sex only for procreation. If I can find it, I'll post the video link of a story about rape in Africa. In this vid short, they were discussing how lesbian women in certain parts of Africa were being raped to "transform" them or make them straight. Also, keep in mind that as poverty increases, you have an increase in crime such as prostitution and drugs, and we all know how those play a role in disease.

And i 100% agree with the condom statement. It IS a band-aid and it is obvious that it is not working, as I cant imagine this is the first time ANYONE has presented birth control to these African cultures.
And see thats the thing. How the fuck you gonna go preaching to a bunch of people about rubbers when they are going through other shit. Common sense is in order here, and any "christian" type person should have enough common sense to ask, "What the fuck would Jesus do?" Would Jesus go handing out condoms and preaching abstinence or would he focus on the other problems these people are facing and then focus on abstinence?

I wish I had a solution, but I do not. I was just agreeing that abstinence was the only SURE means of stopping the spreading of not only AIDS, but of ANY STD's. Other than that, the Pope can kiss my unholy ass.
Yes, there are ways it can be stopped, and abstinence is not the most reliable way. However, lowering poverty, increasing employment, better government infrastructures, education (science, math, sex ed, etc) are an absolute requirement to curbing the problem.

LOL@unholy ass.


Sicc OG
Mar 9, 2005
The Popes stance is rather logical really - christianity is already widespread and belief is increasing in popularity in the poorer nations, primarily in Africa and South America, so why would the Pope want these people using condoms? He knows abstinence will never work without education, and what is a few thousand cases of AIDS when it's compared to a few extra million Christian believers? Pope: AIDS sufferers, take one for the team.


Apr 25, 2002
The Popes stance is rather logical really - christianity is already widespread and belief is increasing in popularity in the poorer nations, primarily in Africa and South America, so why would the Pope want these people using condoms? He knows abstinence will never work without education, and what is a few thousand cases of AIDS when it's compared to a few extra million Christian believers? Pope: AIDS sufferers, take one for the team.
It's logical if you're trying to exploit people or proselytizing. It is absolutely illogical if you're seriously bent on getting down to the root of the problem and eradicating it. Prevention only does so much, but what about people who've already contracted HIV or have full blown AIDS? Oh...wear a condom, wash your ass in holy water, perform mass and The Vicar will help you.


Sicc OG
Nov 8, 2002
Fact: absintance prevents the spreading of STD's. Do you agree with this? Its a yes or no question, nothing more.

Regardless of rape or not, which is something i never mentioned nor took into account, i simply SAID that absintance is a sure fire way to STOP the spreading of AIDS.
Calm down cowboy....

First, "Absintance" works if use yes but doesn't if not used. Agree?
Second, How is abstinance a sure fire way to Stop the spreading of AIDS in a country that won't practice it? For a remedy to work the people have to use it, I dont know one country in Africa ready to practice it. End result it wont work!!! Qoute me on that homie.
May 9, 2002
Calm down cowboy....
What makes you think I am not calm?

First, "Absintance" works if use yes but doesn't if not used. Agree?

Second, How is abstinance a sure fire way to Stop the spreading of AIDS in a country that won't practice it?
This doesnt make any sense. Abstinance = abstainig from sex. Sexually transmiited diseases are spread through sexual intercourse. Therefore, abstinence prevents STD"s from spreading. So the theory behind does work...that has nothing to do with someone using it or not.

For a remedy to work the people have to use it, I dont know one country in Africa ready to practice it. End result it wont work!!! Qoute me on that homie.
Abstinence isnt a remedy, it is a method. Whether it is being used or not is not in question. I merely said that abstinence is the ONLY method to STOP the spreading of STD's, nothing more. You are some how corrolating the method with usage, when they are not synomonous. Abstinence is there whether someone uses it or not. Thi isnt a duscussion of whether it will or not Africans SHOULD use the method, but that abstinence WILL in fact stop the spread of STD's.


Sicc OG
Nov 8, 2002

So you think condoms will work when villagers are getting raped? You think the lady in Liberia say's "Condoms are more effective than abstinence" as soldiers are running a gang bang on her?

Your post makes no sense.

The pope said: abstinence is more effective than condoms in preventing aids

I Pukokeki Ioulo Momu: says he agrees to an extent

You say: you take objection and say abstinence doesn't work when villagers are getting raped.

So what would you recommend to stop the transmission of AIDS when villagers are being raped?
I never said anything about condoms but don't they have them already in Africa? I mean it is a country in this world not a colony on Mars. Shit They even have Condoms on the Space Station. Aren't organizations giving them out already? Better question is "Are they using condoms?". I doubt it.
If you will quote me I said "when some one was being raped". Is it cause i left out condom use that it made you bring that comment to me?

PS besides why would the Africans listen to anything the Pope says? Is he going to barter with them for Salvation and food?

What makes you think I am not calm?


This doesnt make any sense. Abstinance = abstainig from sex. Sexually transmiited diseases are spread through sexual intercourse. Therefore, abstinence prevents STD"s from spreading. So the theory behind does work...that has nothing to do with someone using it or not.

Abstinence isnt a remedy, it is a method. Whether it is being used or not is not in question. I merely said that abstinence is the ONLY method to STOP the spreading of STD's, nothing more. You are some how corrolating the method with usage, when they are not synomonous. Abstinence is there whether someone uses it or not. Thi isnt a duscussion of whether it will or not Africans SHOULD use the method, but that abstinence WILL in fact stop the spread of STD's.
i said"Second, How is abstinance a sure fire way to Stop the spreading of AIDS in a country that won't practice it?" you get the last part "in a country that won't practice it?
What part of the WHOLE ENTIRE COUNTRY won't do it doesn't make sense?
Corrolating what? The method has to be used to work!
Hypotheticly if everyone who had aids all over the world stopped having sex AIDS would still spread. Sex isn't the only way to get it (remember 6th grade Sex Ed?). So no your theory is off by a fraction or two.

Do you think nations that dwell in poverty & pestelence, people that go to war as early as 9 years old, people who watch thier whole family or tribe brutally murdered are concerned with condoms and abstinence? Real fact is it will not work no matter what theory you use.

would it be easier if I made it into a scientific calculation for you?
Shit in one hand theorize in the other.... see which one gets fuller faster.

Lets not go back to the old days when people just took a section of a quote to make it sound like what ever they wanted it to. Lets use the whole quote to get a better understanding of what the poster is saying.

Methods and theories and remedies? come on you act like you been there and know it will work from first hand experience. i have never went to Africa but know it is a no go, ask any person here. So create or discover a new method or theory to create a remedy to stop a virus man has yet to stop.
The funny thing about a theory is it can be created much more faster and some times easier than putting it into action.


Oct 2, 2007
To me the pope looks like the devil in the flesh ain't shit holy about him. Fuck him. I was sad to see alot of black Africans gettin starstruck or whatever you wanna call it when they saw him, that shit's fuckin crazy!!
May 9, 2002
i said"Second, How is abstinance a sure fire way to Stop the spreading of AIDS in a country that won't practice it?" you get the last part "in a country that won't practice it?
I never said they would practice it. Did you read ANYTHING i wrote?

What part of the WHOLE ENTIRE COUNTRY won't do it doesn't make sense?
Corrolating what? The method has to be used to work!
No, it doesnt. Abstinence is a thing, whether it is USED or not. The method is a PROVEN thing...it EXISTS. You dont HAVE to practice it for it to exist.

Hypotheticly if everyone who had aids all over the world stopped having sex AIDS would still spread. Sex isn't the only way to get it (remember 6th grade Sex Ed?). So no your theory is off by a fraction or two.
AIDS is still spread by other ways OTHER than sexual activity...i think this is common knowledge. However, the main AIDS problem in Africa isnt because of sharing dirty needles or from blood transfusions (as far as my knowledge goes).

Abstaining from all sexual contact, inclusing sodemy, will STOP the spreading AIDS transmitted sexually. Prove me wrong otherwise.

Do you think nations that dwell in poverty & pestelence, people that go to war as early as 9 years old, people who watch thier whole family or tribe brutally murdered are concerned with condoms and abstinence? Real fact is it will not work no matter what theory you use.
I dont know...but you seem to think you have the answers. If they are so busy NOT worrying about abstaining from sex, how are they finding the time TO have sex? See how that works?

would it be easier if I made it into a scientific calculation for you?
Shit in one hand theorize in the other.... see which one gets fuller faster.:cool:
Huh? I guess i dont understand why you would say this. This has nothing to do with "scientific calculations"...it has to do with common sense and logical ways of stopping the spreading of STD's. Nothing else.
May 9, 2002
Lets not go back to the old days when people just took a section of a quote to make it sound like what ever they wanted it to. Lets use the whole quote to get a better understanding of what the poster is saying.
No one is doing this but YOU it seems...go figure.

Methods and theories and remedies? come on you act like you been there and know it will work from first hand experience.
What do the first and second sentences ahve to do with one another?

i have never went to Africa but know it is a no go, ask any person here.
So people on the IScc are more qualified than anyone else to speak on such a matter?

So create or discover a new method or theory to create a remedy to stop a virus man has yet to stop.
Why? Its not my job and who in the fuck is going to listen to me?

The funny thing about a theory is it can be created much more faster and some times easier than putting it into action.
No one is disputing that. Please point out where i or anyone else said otherwise.


Oct 2, 2007
"AIDS is still spread by other ways OTHER than sexual activity...i think this is common knowledge. However, the main AIDS problem in Africa isnt because of sharing dirty needles or from blood transfusions (as far as my knowledge goes).

Abstaining from all sexual contact, inclusing sodemy, will STOP the spreading AIDS transmitted sexually. Prove me wrong otherwise."

Bullshit. AIDS wasn't started from sexual contact is was started by evil white people in labs testin out ways to kill off who they wanted dead. Just like alot of other other biological warfare. So abstaining wouldn't really stop nothing considering they are constantly tryiin to find different ways to kill off blacks.
May 9, 2002
Bullshit. AIDS wasn't started from sexual contact is was started by evil white people in labs testin out ways to kill off who they wanted dead. Just like alot of other other biological warfare. So abstaining wouldn't really stop nothing considering they are constantly tryiin to find different ways to kill off blacks.
Apparently, you need to brush up on your reading comprehension.

And dont post shit unless you can back it up with a viable source, please.


Sicc OG
Nov 8, 2002
You win.

My statement is it won't work, you wanted to address me on it. I made a general statement to contrast your theory, you ran with that. Nough said. come collect your trophy for being right.
Nov 24, 2003
I never said anything about condoms but don't they have them already in Africa? I mean it is a country in this world not a colony on Mars. Shit They even have Condoms on the Space Station. Aren't organizations giving them out already? Better question is "Are they using condoms?". I doubt it.
If you will quote me I said "when some one was being raped". Is it cause i left out condom use that it made you bring that comment to me?

PS besides why would the Africans listen to anything the Pope says? Is he going to barter with them for Salvation and food?

All I am pointing out is that I Pukokeki Ioulo Momu suggested abstinence to be more effective to some extent in the "condoms vs abstinence" argument. That argument was not condoms vs abstinence vs other.

Under the constraints of that argument's dichotomy you said that abstinence wouldn't work where people are being raped, and I subsequently pointed out that condoms will not work where people are being raped either. Essentially the same argument you would make as to why abstinence would not be effective in this culture could be made to show that condoms are not effective either.

If a victim cannot stop an attacker by employing abstinence, they can no more ask an assailant to wear a condom before commencing raping them.