Pope rejects condom use in Africa

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May 13, 2002
Pope Benedict XVI has said that handing out condoms is not the answer in the fight against HIV/Aids, as he makes his first visit to Africa as pontiff.

Speaking en route to Cameroon, he said distribution of condoms "increases the problem". The Vatican urges abstinence.

The Pope will also visit Angola on his week-long trip, where thousands are expected to attend open-air masses.

According to Vatican figures, the number of Catholics in Africa has been rising steadily in recent years.

Baptised Catholics made up 17% of the African population in 2006, compared with 12% in 1978, the Vatican says.

Pope Benedict said on the eve of his trip that he wanted to wrap his arms around the entire continent, with "its painful wounds, its enormous potential and hopes".

Before arriving in Cameroon's capital, Yaounde, the Pope said HIV/Aids was "a tragedy that cannot be overcome by money alone, that cannot be overcome through the distribution of condoms, which can even increase the problem".

The solution lies in a "spiritual and human awakening" and "friendship for those who suffer", the AFP news agency quotes him as saying.

Sexual abstinence

While in Africa, the pontiff is expected to talk to young people about the Aids epidemic and explain to them why the Catholic Church recommends sexual abstinence as the best way to prevent the spread of the disease.

He gave a similar message to African bishops who visited the Vatican in 2005, when he told them that abstinence and fidelity, not condoms, were the means to tackle the epidemic.

The BBC's Caroline Duffield, in Cameroon, says people in Yaounde are energetically sweeping and cleaning everywhere in preparation for Pope Benedict's visit.

The Pope will stay in Yaounde until Friday, where he will meet bishops from all over Africa who will be taking part in a meeting at the Vatican later this year to discuss the Church's role in Africa.

In Angola, which is still recovering from 27 years of civil war, Pope Benedict will meet diplomats posted in Luanda and is expected to urge the international community not to abandon Africa.

The pontiff is also due to hold private talks with political leaders in the two countries, both of which have been accused of corruption and squandering revenues from natural resources.

Speaking to pilgrims in St Peter's Square before setting out on his journey, the Pope said he wanted to reach out to the victims of hunger, disease, injustice, fratricidal conflicts and the violence afflicting adults and children alike in most parts of Africa.

May 13, 2002
I actually agree..to an extent. Abstinence is always a better way of fully preventing AIDS...especially in a country where it runs so rampid. However, condoms are better than nothing.
LMAO, Abstinence has failed everywhere it has ever been tried. Cant stop sex. Countless studies have proven its failure and even opposite effect (more sex!).

Do you also agree that the distribution of condoms "increases the problem?"

This is like when they were saying condoms were laced with AIDS. Murderous, racist church it is.

Mac Jesus

Girls send me your nudes
May 31, 2003
Abstinence has failed everywhere it has ever been tried. Cant stop sex. Countless studies have proven its failure and even opposite effect (more sex!).
Serious? No wonder I'm not getting laid often enough, I'm trying to hard. From now on its abstinence for Mac Jesus, and by abstinence I mean sex!

While the whole condom thing is ridiculous, I think every pope has had the same stance. It's not that surprising, but still idiotic.
May 9, 2002
LMAO, Abstinence has failed everywhere it has ever been tried. Cant stop sex. Countless studies have proven its failure and even opposite effect (more sex!).
Im saying in THEORY...abstinance is the way...i never said it was WORKING in reality.

You cant have children unless a dick goes in a pussy...unless youre in a lab.

Do you also agree that the distribution of condoms "increases the problem?"
I dont know..does it? I have not done a study so i have no idea. My mom gave me a bag of condoms when i turned 13 and said "if youre gonna do it, please be safe." I fucked alot as a teen...i have no clue if that is a correlation or not.

This is like when they were saying condoms were laced with AIDS. Murderous, racist church it is.
Thats just flat out retarded...but im not surprised.
Aug 19, 2004
I actually agree..to an extent. Abstinence is always a better way of fully preventing AIDS...especially in a country where it runs so rampid. However, condoms are better than nothing.
I agree as well. Promoting promiscuous sex is still a bad thing with all the other shit you can get, even with a condom.
However, promoting ONLY abstinence with drastic epidemics like AIDS is ridiculous.
I can't understand why the Catholic church has a problem with contraceptives. I understand where they're coming from on the abortion argument, but how is using contraceptives in general, a sin? Those methods didn't even exist in the Bible days so where'd they get this from?
May 24, 2007
The pope is full of it. why not promote abstinence, and distribute condoms anyway. Thats a double punch strategy that would work better than one or the other exclusively.
If the bishops of the church cant keep the their hands off the church kids, what makes them think africans can go cold turkey!
Feb 7, 2006
If Africans haven't learned from the effects of colonization and imperialism... fuck it I'm too mad to type sanely on this subject
Mar 24, 2004
Pope looks evil to me. So he's saying let them die off and not reproduce in order to save it from spreading? Even the ones who were born with hiv transmitted to them from their parents? He don't want them to have their own families, that guys a asshole.I mean shit their lives are as bad as it is living with aids now they can't even enjoy some sex?
Aug 19, 2004
The pope is full of it. why not promote abstinence, and distribute condoms anyway. Thats a double punch strategy that would work better than one or the other exclusively.

Pope Benedict said on the eve of his trip that he wanted to wrap his arms around the entire continent, with "its painful wounds, its enormous potential and hopes".
This reminds me of what White Devil was saying about religious/political leaders talking all grandiose but not really saying anything.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
LMAO, Abstinence has failed everywhere it has ever been tried. Cant stop sex. Countless studies have proven its failure and even opposite effect (more sex!).

Do you also agree that the distribution of condoms "increases the problem?"

This is like when they were saying condoms were laced with AIDS. Murderous, racist church it is.
Truth to be said, they are preaching exactly the same bullshit to people in Europe, it is just that they are educated enough not to listen. So racist they may be but it isn't because of cases like this one.

The fundamental cognitive problem the Church has is its refusal to face the simple fact that human biology unless countered by very strong strong realization of that same biology within that same individual is what governs people's behavior.


Sicc OG
Jun 30, 2005
Im saying in THEORY...abstinance is the way...i never said it was WORKING in reality.

You cant have children unless a dick goes in a pussy...unless youre in a lab.
Actually you can, I think they regularly do that in female-only prisons (I don't know how it is in the US but in places where women who get pregnant get out of jail it works) where the guards are male - trick a guard into giving him a blowjob, then don't swallow and insert the sperm with you fingers where it has to go...

But admittedly, this isn't a big factor in the discussion we're having:cool:
Jul 21, 2004
"Pope Benedict XVI has said that handing out condoms is not the answer in the fight against HIV/Aids, as he makes his first visit to Africa as pontiff."

then he should confirm how much money he's going to give to those to treat the disease and the families that became sick or died while he contemplated thousands of years religious rights for gold and diamond towers while the suffering laid themselves at their alters of silk and idols of themselves! the son of Mary sacrificed without a single possession while lands of empty mansions and shrines of wordss of belief are but marketing a GOD who ask for nothing short of love....


Sicc OG
Nov 8, 2002
I actually agree..to an extent. Abstinence is always a better way of fully preventing AIDS...especially in a country where it runs so rampid. However, condoms are better than nothing.

LMAO for real?

The pope is a joke against any religion. If I didn't know any better I would call him Anti-Christ but he is more of a false prophet telling people to pray to false idols and let man kiss his feet.
Abstinence doen't work when villagers are getting raped. You think the lady in Liberia say's "The Pope preaches abstinence" as soldiers are running a gang bang on her? Condoms will put a band aid on a deep wound. It will help some but not much.
May 9, 2002
LMAO for real?

The pope is a joke against any religion. If I didn't know any better I would call him Anti-Christ but he is more of a false prophet telling people to pray to false idols and let man kiss his feet.
Abstinence doen't work when villagers are getting raped. You think the lady in Liberia say's "The Pope preaches abstinence" as soldiers are running a gang bang on her? Condoms will put a band aid on a deep wound. It will help some but not much.
Fact: absintance prevents the spreading of STD's. Do you agree with this? Its a yes or no question, nothing more.

Regardless of rape or not, which is something i never mentioned nor took into account, i simply SAID that absintance is a sure fire way to STOP the spreading of AIDS.