Hmm I don't agree with him saying homosexual marriages are part of a new ideology of evil but I do agree that those practices are sick. People say that homosexuality is inherent, like it's in their genes or something. I've heard the same argument for psychopaths who have a predisposition for killing or raping but I bet you won't find too many people willing to support them and condone their acts. Granted, the biggest difference is that psychopaths are harming OTHER people and homosexuals aren't really harming anyone so with that said I personally find the whole idea of homosexuality to be repulsive and disgusting, but I also recognize their right to practice their lifestyle as long as it doesn't interfere with my "given freedoms". The pope saying that homosexuality is leading to the downfall of society I'm not so sure about, but I will say that heterosexuality is leading to the same "downfall" if you will. The reason for this is going strictly off of traditional views, sexuality is a lot more flagrantly displayed in the public. In the media, at schools, at restaurants etc etc. How many times have you gone out or turned on the tv and seen women being objectified as tools of sexual pleasure. Now you tell me what's more detrimental to society's morals: A gay couple kissing on the street or doing whatever they do in private, or watching half naked girls on BET or MTV or whatever other tv station INLCLUDING the "right-wing" media outlet known as FOX.
On the whole abortion note; I find it ridiculous that the pope even compares that with the Jewish Holocaust. It's straight up ludicrous to seriously state that the extermination of a large population of people based soley on their culture compares with the abortion of unwanted pregnancies which could have ended up being detrimental to the child's life anyway. Also, didn't the Catholic church have relations with Hitler anyway? I'm pretty sure that Hitler spoke with the pope and the Catholic church was not publicly critizing the Nazi party, but that's just what I think.