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Sep 1, 2004
The new uniforms are great for everyone that was wearing utilities I guess. We were in forest camo before the change. Prefered it.

This command ruins Japan. It took these cats 5 days after they said they were evacuating to actually evacuate. Navy tried to ride it out til last minute to save money. Cheap. Northern Japan is all fucked up cuz of the tsunami, reactors, and the earthquake. We are further South. Rolling blackouts for the next year or so. Radiation in the air down here too from the reactors. Shortages on bottled water and certain foods. Life goes on tho.
Sep 1, 2004
We had higher quality blue ones for TB containment/protection. White ones just a weak duster.

I wouldn't suggest to anyone joining at this point. Coming here changed my whole opinion on the military even before the earthquake, tsunami, and radiation. My time in SD was straight and enjoyable, but I've been here almost a year and a half. I don't see this place getting better just worse.
May 24, 2002
We had higher quality blue ones for TB containment/protection. White ones just a weak duster.

I wouldn't suggest to anyone joining at this point. Coming here changed my whole opinion on the military even before the earthquake, tsunami, and radiation. My time in SD was straight and enjoyable, but I've been here almost a year and a half. I don't see this place getting better just worse.
I heard Yakuza have their hand in just about everything
Apr 17, 2007
I finished my contract last may, did you re enlist or some shit? Fuck japan, I heard it was good times back in the day but now its only fun if your E-5 or above. And even then, works hella gay.
Sep 1, 2004
I finished my contract last may, did you re enlist or some shit? Fuck japan, I heard it was good times back in the day but now its only fun if your E-5 or above. And even then, works hella gay.
I just made E5 our last cycle. Put it on in December. I still can't stand this place. Naw, I didn't re-enlist. I'm hoping my PTS gets disapproved so the option is completely off the table.

Biggest reason it sucks for E4 and below is this base you can't have a car, you live in the barracks if you're not married on an accompanied tour, and when you get here you get a midnight curfew just cuz a few sailors killed 2 or 3 people. I know a cat that is 35 E4 came in the navy same time I did. He lives in the barracks, can't have a car, and had a midnight curfew when he got here. It's ridiculous. Grown ass man treated like he just gotta outta high school or some shit.. I'll be getting out in December next year.
Apr 17, 2007
Damn, for the corpsman I was with in the Marines E-5 in less then their first contract was unheard of and corpsman have 6 year active contracts. Good job spooky. At least you get paid more for being over there.
Sep 1, 2004
Yea. It depends a lot on your job. I made E4 right before the advancement percentage went from a near hundred percent to crazy low. Our advancement to E5 is pretty low. I missed E5 my first time by 4 points. Made it by less than a point this time. E5 - 3 1/2 years - Going from E1 to E5 with none of that come in as an E3 BS. Some of these jobs you can knock E4 through E6 out everytime up. Like Nukes and Cryptos. Our advancement to E6 is less than one percent right now. Last few cycles I think less than 25 people advanced each cycle. I wouldn't wanna make E6. I couldn't imagine doing this for 15 more years to retire. I dunno how some of these cats do it. Well I mean I do. Most of their lives are all fucked up. 2 or 3 divorces. 3 to 4 kids they never see. Seem somewhat mentally challenged from being in so long around all this. Alcoholics. To each their own tho I guess.
Jul 22, 2008
SMCrazy Meets Sage Francis

SMCrazy- "Aren't you Sage Francis?"
Sage Francis- "Yes I am, nice to meet you"
SMCrazy- "Why the fuck does your security guard look like Sen Dog from Cypress Hill?"

True story bro