you must love me erika cuzz you keep mentioning me in every post...
Yes, I want you to become my endless love slave and we can make babies 24/7 and let me stroke your feathered wolf hair (kid rock status) and we can pat each others imaginary balls with baby powder, and yadda yadda yadda.
..Not really. BUT, I don't troll you. I notice you subliminally propping other people when they "diss" me in a way, though. It's cute. I'm flattered. You think I'm annoying, I think you're a flaming, heaping pile of shit.
Is this a love/hate relationship? I don't think I can handle this. I mean, my boyfriend.. Well, he gets kind of jealous, and he's kind of a big deal. He might beat you up & stuff. Just sayin'.