ive chosen not to...but i do plan on getting a pager or voicemail system that i can check periodicly...
but i just hate talking to people ive never met that want to talk bout work but cant afford it...
i like to keep everything on the net cuz thats how you are going to get your proofs...i prefer to work w/ a lil more knowledgable client...one who can work email and send attachements...i hate having to meet someone to pick up a disc of photos and logos cuz the client doesnt know how to send an attachment or upload a zip file...
Exactly! I meet so many people that want to just 'talk' about what they want, I don't have time for that.
Also, I just flat out don't like talking on the phone. There are maybe a total of 10 people I can talk on the phone with for longer than 5mins before I want to hang up. Nothing against anybody I talk to, but I just don't like the phone, lol.
I'd rather communicate face to face or through email. Just like Tosin said, I want clients who at least understand email and how to send attachments. I'm not being rude or stuck up or anything, but I'm a graphic designer and I don't want to spend my time being someone's customer support.
ESFCE has a good idea though.