^^^you telling me guys face to the right isnt? it looks like it..kinda like when you slap a face on someone n blend in..ha ha..yea...no parties for me last night...
^^^you telling me guys face to the right isnt? it looks like it..kinda like when you slap a face on someone n blend in..ha ha..yea...no parties for me last night...
Mel, you sure you aren't drunk? First thinking Tony's pic was shopped, then calling me Toro, now you are talking about a middle video that doesn't exist.
okay, toro didnt just post clips...the middle one looks like a video to me...and tony's pic looked photoshop to me so i simply pointed this out. i screwed up by calling u toro and i admit to that...everything else i please the 5th, 5th, 5th....
once again 5th...fifth.....big five capital T capital H...