lol... The whole point of the movie is supposed to be the couple set up a camcorder to record what's going on while they are sleeping. It would be kind of stupid to have it look like a professionally shot movie when the footage from that camera is what you are watching.
I still haven't seen it and now a different friend of mine said it was stupid as hell and pretty boring. He said only one part was kind of freaky to him and made him jump a little. I guess he laughed at a lot of the "scary or spooky" parts and people around him were giving him dirty looks lol.
I'm still going to check it out though especially now that we are getting it at my theatre.
Yeaaa excorcist scared the SHIT outta me when I was younger... moslty cuz while we were watching my cousin told me you could realy get possessed by the devil and or/demon
this movie was the shit!alotta scary parts...only thing is that IMO the ending killed it....great movie though and for advice try to get tickets online and get to the theatre at least like 2 hrs in advance...shit was sold out in mercado
^^^The ending was changed by the movie company as far as I know. Would like to see the OG. Fuck, I just wanna watch the movie. Prolly have to wait till it drops on DVD...