David Diaz was a C level fighter at best, and Manny ducked Nate Campbell who beat Juan Diaz to become #1 at 135lb and he had 3 of the belts.
Ricky Hatton already got KO’ed by Mayweather and was on coke.
Oscar at 147lb a weight he didn’t fight in 7 years weight drained.
Cotto at a catch weight of 145lb, only after the Margarito beating and the hard fight with Clottey.
Ricky Hatton already got KO’ed by Mayweather and was on coke.
Oscar at 147lb a weight he didn’t fight in 7 years weight drained.
Cotto at a catch weight of 145lb, only after the Margarito beating and the hard fight with Clottey.
Why didn’t Manny fight the winner of Cotto vs. Margarito you should be asking?
[Pac basically ended Margarito's career, Margarito started the fight Mexican but left the fight Chinese].
LOL really??

Mosley and Brother Nazim ended Margarito’s career Nazim by finding his hand wraps and Mosley by beating the living shit out of Margarito and actually knocking him out unlike Manny.
Again though you're still missing the point. The discussion was about Pac's power. My point was that while he didn't KO a number of guys they took damage, as shown by Margs face.
Mosley never recovered from landing those two bombs on Mayweather and then getting his ass brutally beat for 10 rounds by Mayweather.
After that fight Mosley couldn’t pull the trigger anymore. Mosley fought like a bitch too but Manny was exposed he can’t hit a moving target and his stamina was getting bad. Which again why didn’t Manny fight the winner of Mayweather vs. Mosley? Lol Let the commission do their job.
[Bradley broke his feet from running so much]. Lol Really?? What fight were you watching?
Here, look at bradley squirming around terrified of getting hit. This is how he hurt his foot

Like I said bradley is an awkward fighter he wasn't running like shane but he wasn't really attempting to engage much either.
Manny again cherry-picked a 140lber and lost the fight.
I know you guys love Manny but stop it with all the overhyping it’s over for now. 122-130lb Manny had a great career; 135-154 is all catch weights, media hype, great match making, and ducking random testing. Since being asked to be randomly tested 2009 dude hasn’t looked good at all in the ring. Ducking out on the superfight because of random testing will be a black cloud over Manny’s career. Manny is a HOF fighter but he’s over hyped..
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