not PROPerly cooked seafood can give you gonerhia or whatever that chicken disease is cant it
you can eat raw seafood... I've eaten raw fish plenty of times at sushi spots
I think it needs to be fresh though... and probably only certain seafood, and probably depends where it's from, etc...
I'd never eat raw chicken though... hella chickens got diseases
I've eaten raw beef before too... real spit
my uncle had this shit... it was raw beef but it was soaked in hella lemon juice or some shit... and some seasoning and onions and shit... and the acid from the lemon juice kinda cooked it... but it was still raw
as far as this taco bell shrimp thing... I dunno... shrimp from taco bell sounds kinda ehhhh... I still may try it one day... I rarely eat fast food, but maybe next time I'm at taco bell I might pick one up and see wuz hannin