Over 112 Palestinians Killed in Five-Day Israeli "holocaust"

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Mar 4, 2007
@Thug - I think you are mislead by what you believe. The Jewish nation has a little tiny country surrounded by bullies who want to bomb them for the glory of some mythical being that does not even exist. I mean its fine the way you think (its wrong) but Islam is a wicked religion. No matter how much you think Iam ignorant the news speaks for itself. So nice try but see you later.
lmao @ "no matter how much you think i am ignorant the news speaks for itself"

hey Thug, i think he watches Fox News, so yeah, he KNOWS what he's talkin bout...

btw didn't you know the t.v. ALWAYS tells the truth?! haha, thug, my love, i think YOU ARE the ignorant one for sure..


oh yeah and lol @ smashing smurfs heads for gold
Sep 25, 2005
Obviously the individuals perpetrating are responsible for their own actions. Only thing is, they justify the killings by saying to themselves, "I'm doing this for God and my people, who are the only ones who know how to get to God." The war is over HOLY LAND. How can religion not be to blame? If you need me to provide scriptural references justifying violence against the "infidels" I will.
Jan 17, 2008
hey Thug, i think he watches Fox News, so yeah, he KNOWS what he's talkin bout...

btw didn't you know the t.v. ALWAYS tells the truth?! haha, thug, my love, i think YOU ARE the ignorant one for sure..


oh yeah and lol @ smashing smurfs heads for gold

Who are you??? Oh thats right someone that does not matter to the population. Get back to work. Iam sure someone needs some fries.

Back to the point, human beings are fucking up the world. Go job humans.
Mar 4, 2007
Who are you??? Oh thats right someone that does not matter to the population. Get back to work. Iam sure someone needs some fries.

Back to the point, human beings are fucking up the world. Go job humans.

and i'm the one makin the fries?
how about you go to school and get a real education,
instead of watching t.v. for 'the truth':ermm:
Jan 17, 2008
@ people on the siccness. Have a good day. go back to work. I read the prince twice.Read Art of War twice. Strategy wise nobody has written better.

@ people getting hurt over me saying something about Islam.

@Dum-Dum- I go to school and have a 3.2 GPA. Not the best but hey I have a real major. What are you a poly Sci major hahaha.
Mar 4, 2007
@ people on the siccness. Have a good day. go back to work. I read the prince twice.Read Art of War twice. Strategy wise nobody has written better.

@ people getting hurt over me saying something about Islam.

@Dum-Dum- I go to school and have a 3.2 GPA. Not the best but hey I have a real major. What are you a poly Sci major hahaha.
no, i'm not gettin hurt about someone SAYING something 'bout islam, i just can't stand ignorant stereotypes that people base off of the propagandist media that we call american "News"...

simply put, no matter WHAT grades you get at some community college or high school or hell even university doesn't make you smart, i suggested school because you sounded pretty ignorant, but now i know your type, your one of them "oh lookie me, i'm smart i got a degreeeee" lololol ya'll crack me up with your bullshit, you can fling around a degree alll you want, common sense is something inherent, not earned through grades.

sometimes people pick up on that(common sense) from college, but i guess in your case it will take a few more years...maybe never if you're a complete retard.

BTW if youw anna play the "dum dum" game, which CRACKS ME UP, what are we in 6th grade again?
3.6 gpa at san jose state.
math major.

:cheeky:suck my clenis:cheeky:

btw formaldehyde RX, you fa real? which college you go to?
thats some gooood shit..
and whats your major? pharmecuetical work?
Jan 17, 2008
no, i'm not gettin hurt about someone SAYING something 'bout islam, i just can't stand ignorant stereotypes that people base off of the propagandist media that we call american "News"...

simply put, no matter WHAT grades you get at some community college or high school or hell even university doesn't make you smart, i suggested school because you sounded pretty ignorant, but now i know your type, your one of them "oh lookie me, i'm smart i got a degreeeee" lololol ya'll crack me up with your bullshit, you can fling around a degree alll you want, common sense is something inherent, not earned through grades.

sometimes people pick up on that(common sense) from college, but i guess in your case it will take a few more years...maybe never if you're a complete retard.

BTW if youw anna play the "dum dum" game, which CRACKS ME UP, what are we in 6th grade again?
3.6 gpa at san jose state.
math major.

:cheeky:suck my clenis:cheeky:

btw formaldehyde RX, you fa real? which college you go to?
thats some gooood shit..
and whats your major? pharmecuetical work?
I work, go to school, and find time to study and kick it. You may find me on XBox Live on COD4 or Halo 3. I have friends in all sorts of countries. Read more books then you can probably look at, and still make money. So there take it for what its worth. Do I care what some woman at San Jose does, says, or thinks? No. Keep talking because I get paid to sit and post on this website. Do you?

I get Money, Money I got - Audio Two - Top Billin