Our Country is ONE FUCCED UP PLACE!!!!!!

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May 8, 2002
Jae iLL said:
yet they wanna go all out and kill these "terrorists" who aint trynna kill me or anybody else the government says they trynna kill..
i guess it wasnt terrorists that took down the twin towers, the cole, the african ambassies, the barracks in lebanan, the pan am flight, the twin towers in 1993....ect.........

Jae iLL said:
but as for the subject, she needs a machine to stay alive.
what machine are you talking about?????????? she is not on any life support machine

Jae iLL said:
She aint even eatin herself
that is true, she has a feeding tube
May 8, 2002
CannibalCrow said:
I just think the husband should be able to divorce, remarry and hand over ALL responsibilities to her parents so that THEY can do what they want with her...
HERESY said:
If the parents want her to live and the husband has moved on with his life he should respect THEM. He has moved on with his life but she will ALWAYS be someones daughter. If they want to take care of her and they feel she has hope they should be able to do so.


i totally agree with you and heresy
May 13, 2002
Everyone should try to put themselves in the shoes of this woman and ask yourself: Would you want to be a vegetable for the rest of your life? I bet most all of yall would want to die rather than be a huge burden on your family.

With that being said, this entire issue surrounding this woman is nothing more than a political tactic by the republicans. They once again are trying to rally around a "moral" issue and fire up the religious right and become the moral party. You really think republicans give a shit about this woman? Step back and try looking at the larger picture.
Mar 6, 2005
And remember, these blood sucking liberals, the ghoulish radicals aren't trying to kill her as a "compassion killing", because they don't know one way or the other if she would want to die. This is right in line with their abortion stance -- get rid of people who are helpless, of no use to us, and do it in the most vile, repulsive manner possible.

Consider the following --
* Two nurses have come out and said that Michael Schiavo tampered with her treatment, one said by injecting insulin in Terri when there was no orderly in the room. THATS ATTEMPTED MURDER.
* On April 25, 2001, a woman by the alias of "Cyndi" (she was an ex who was terrified of Michael -- I can ONLY wonder why) stated that Michael admitted to lying about Terri saying ANYTHING about her wishes regarding a living will.
* No MRI or PET scans have been done? Why? BECAUSE HER HUSBAND WON'T LET THEM BE DONE.
* Footage on the internet is floating around with her using at LEAST 3 of her 5 senses. I only say 3 out of 5 because one can't tell if one can actually taste or feel something when watching a video, but due to her reactions in these films, one can clearly see that she can (1) see, (2) hear, (3) make noise (speak). What do we call people who can most likely use all 5 senses, but for certain 3? Brain dead?
How about HUMAN BEINGS??
*14 independent doctors – including six neurologists – adamantly refute the diagnosis of PVS, stating that THERAPY WOULD BE BENEFICIAL TO TERRI, Judge Greer has consistently excluded their testimony in favor of opinions from four doctors that adhere to the PVS diagnosis.

Of the 4 doctors selected to be the court’s medical authorities, three were hand-picked by Michael Schiavo and one was selected by Judge Greer.

Dr. Peter Bambakidis, appointed by Greer, has questionable affiliations with Michael Schiavo’s lawyer George Felos.

Dr. Melvin Greer insists that a doctor need not examine a patient to know the appropriate medical treatment.

Dr. Victor Gambone has stated that he has been startled by Terri Schiavo’s awareness.

Dr. Ronald Cranford, is on the board of the Euthanasia Society of America, has ties to the Hemlock Society and even advocates denial of spoon-feeding for the disabled.

So even one of the hand picked judges agrees that Terri has "startling awareness"!!

Let's also not get lost in the fact that Judge Greer had his re-election campaign heavily financed by Michael Schaivo's lawyer, George Felos.
May 13, 2002
Have you ever known anyone close in your life in a vegetated state? I have. One of my best friends was in a state like this for 5 years before he passed away. It was sad to see him like that and although I *wished* he could get better, I knew inside he never would and to be honest, it was a bit of a relief when he died.

It’s funny how you say this woman has three of her senses. So because her eyes are open she can see? Her brain can register what she “sees?” My homie could “see.” His eyes would move and sometimes his eyes would lock on to an object. At times it seemed as if he was looking at me. But, as the doctors informed us, I knew he wasn’t capable of registering any of these objects and was absent of any thoughts. From time to time he would yawn and move his head from left to right. Sometimes, it would even seem as if he responds to something someone said. A yawn or a certain movement at the right time. But, the other times, he would stare off into the distance, completely void of any expression or movement.

Personally, I think the parents are selfish, full of illusions and wishful thinking, in complete denial of science and disbelief of professional doctors. The video they provided as “proof” that she is alive is over a period of several weeks and edited to make it seem as if she is responding.

I could have done the same to my homeboy. I could have taken a video camera, pointed it at him and talked to him until he moved, yawned or created what looks like an expression, edited the tape to only show the times where it appears he is responding, and gave it to people as “proof.”

This woman has been in this state for how long? 15 years? Do you really think anyone would want to be a vegetable for 15 years?!? Would you? It’s not like the woman can grow a new brain…she’s done…she can never get better. She has NO CEREBRAL CORTEX. (Even Bill O’Reilly is smart enough to know this, http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,151122,00.html)

"Theresa's brain has deteriorated because of the lack of oxygen it suffered a the time of her heart attack...at this point, much of her cerebral cortex is simply gone and has been replaced by cerebral spinal fluid. Medicine cannot cure this condition. Unless an act of God, a true miracle, were to recreate her brain, Theresa will always remain in an unconscious, reflexive state, totally dependent on others..."

You know what’s really funny? How people think politicians really give a fuck about this veggie.

"While governor of Texas, "George W. Bush signed a law in Texas that expressly gave hospitals the right to remove life support if the patient could not pay and there was no hope of revival, regardless of the patient's family's wishes. It is called the Texas Futile Care Law. Under this law, a baby was removed from life support against his mother's wishes in Texas just this week."

See http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/front/3087387

So what is moral? Only if you can fucking PAY, you have the right to live, if you’re poor, who fucking cares?

If I were a vegetable, I would think it’s pretty damn selfish of me to want to stay alive. I would not want my family and friends to have to pay for 24 hour skilled nursing care, which costs thousands and thousands of dollars to do so (I think in this woman’s case, $80,000/year) while I shit and piss myself and drool on some hospital bed. I can only hope that if I am ever in this fucked up situation I create a will before I'm in this state, that clearly states not to keep me alive if I'm in a vegitated state.

209 Studioz said:
if it was you would you wanna starve to death though????
Yes, if I didn’t have the cognition to know what's happening, which this woman clearly doesn't.)
Apr 25, 2002
She's been in this state for 15 years, I believe 10 of which these people have been going back and forth, arguing over what should be done. They should simply pull the feeding tube, and let her go. The husband said she didn't want to be kept alive, the parents should believe that was their daughters wish, they have no reason NOT to believe the husband. Do you people HONESTLY think he wants her to die just because? Come on now.

Tell you what, from a medical and scientific standpoint...if she's UNABLE to register anything...this includes taste, smell, the presence of other people, emotion, and if they tell her to squeeze her hands and she doesn't...then she MOST LIKELY will NOT respond to pain, she won't even feel it. In order to feel PAIN, your brain has to be functional. If her brain isn't functioning to where she can't do any of the aformentioned, her sense of feeling is most likely non existent as well. Her senses are gone, her receptors are probably shot to shit. Hard to believe, I know, but that's science and thats how the body works. They SERIOUSLY need to give her a break because she has NO CLUE what has been going on for 15 years.
Dec 18, 2002
Republicans would've never got involved if they didn't have something to gain from it.

And this should've never been taken to a political arena in the first place, none of the people know or care about this woman.


Mickey Fallon
Sep 10, 2002
Tomato Alley
to make this a liberal/conservative thing is just straight up hilarious.

and this really doesnt affect me, so i dont care, honestly. its just a fucked up situation that has had more fi ghting than something good done, which happens a lot in this country.
Mar 6, 2005
I'm an idiot and have never learned how to do the multiple quotes in one post thing -- so I will just put your comments that I'd like to respond to in quotations.

"Have you ever known anyone close in your life in a vegetated state? I have. One of my best friends was in a state like this for 5 years before he passed away. It was sad to see him like that and although I *wished* he could get better, I knew inside he never would and to be honest, it was a bit of a relief when he died."

I know I personally wouldn't like to be in a vegitative state. I have told people after hearing about her lack of a living will to try to keep me for 2, 3 months tops.

However, we shouldn't interject OUR opinion when we don't know what hers is. Her husband says one thing, and someone (this "Cyndi" person) said that he admitted to lying about it. At least her family can point to her religion to show where Terri might be coming from.

If we don't know what Terri wanted, we have to err on the side of life. That way, if we are found to be wrong, we can quickly reverse it.

"It’s funny how you say this woman has three of her senses. So because her eyes are open she can see? Her brain can register what she “sees?” My homie could “see.” His eyes would move and sometimes his eyes would lock on to an object. At times it seemed as if he was looking at me. But, as the doctors informed us, I knew he wasn’t capable of registering any of these objects and was absent of any thoughts. From time to time he would yawn and move his head from left to right. Sometimes, it would even seem as if he responds to something someone said. A yawn or a certain movement at the right time. But, the other times, he would stare off into the distance, completely void of any expression or movement."

Yes, her eyes were open, she would move and concentrate on the relevant person/item during the discussion. This leads me to believe there's at least a possibility that she has this sense.

And correct me if I'm wrong, as I obviously don't know your friends situation, but did he only have biased doctors whos hospital was partially financed by someone's lawyer, like in this situation? Hell, even one of the biased doctors in question said he has been shocked by Terri's awareness.

"Personally, I think the parents are selfish, full of illusions and wishful thinking, in complete denial of science and disbelief of professional doctors. The video they provided as “proof” that she is alive is over a period of several weeks and edited to make it seem as if she is responding.

I could have done the same to my homeboy. I could have taken a video camera, pointed it at him and talked to him until he moved, yawned or created what looks like an expression, edited the tape to only show the times where it appears he is responding, and gave it to people as “proof.” "

Once again. These professional doctors, as you failed to argue, so I'll assume you conceed, are biased. Independent doctors believe that she has the possibility to make some recovery.

And where do you get this story about the video being edited over the course of weeks? Is this wishful thinking? I've not heard of this.

"This woman has been in this state for how long? 15 years? Do you really think anyone would want to be a vegetable for 15 years?!? Would you? It’s not like the woman can grow a new brain…she’s done…she can never get better. She has NO CEREBRAL CORTEX. (Even Bill O’Reilly is smart enough to know this, http://www.foxnews.com/story/0,2933,151122,00.html)"

Once again, my wishes, nor your wishes for ourselves is relevant here. And like MEDICAL EXPERTS WITH NO AGENDA (you're not one -- neither are the doctors you're citing, unless you've heard from one who has seen her outside of the 4 I mentioned are either) say, she DOES have the possibility to get better. If she had no possibility of getting better, why is her husband so terrified of allowing a warm cloth to be placed on Terri's hand, for fear of it being called "therapy"? If shes beyond therapy, they can keep that towel on her hand for the rest of my life -- it won't matter to him.

By the way, I can't stand Bill O'Reilly.

"Theresa's brain has deteriorated because of the lack of oxygen it suffered a the time of her heart attack...at this point, much of her cerebral cortex is simply gone and has been replaced by cerebral spinal fluid. Medicine cannot cure this condition. Unless an act of God, a true miracle, were to recreate her brain, Theresa will always remain in an unconscious, reflexive state, totally dependent on others..."

Another quote gained from information from these 4 doctors, many of whom press adamantly for euthanization, or who don't think one needs to see a patient to diagnose it. Garbage.

And how is she unconscious? Is she not moving? Is she not blinking? Don't we keep other members of our society alive that are "totally dependent on others"?

"You know what’s really funny? How people think politicians really give a fuck about this veggie.

"While governor of Texas, "George W. Bush signed a law in Texas that expressly gave hospitals the right to remove life support if the patient could not pay and there was no hope of revival, regardless of the patient's family's wishes. It is called the Texas Futile Care Law. Under this law, a baby was removed from life support against his mother's wishes in Texas just this week."

See http://www.chron.com/cs/CDA/ssistory.mpl/front/3087387"

Read that. No hope of revival. I'm not sure if this baby had a chance of revival, but all objective experts who have seen the Schaivo case believe she does have a chance. This case is an apple to the Terri situation (an orange).

"So what is moral? Only if you can fucking PAY, you have the right to live, if you’re poor, who fucking cares?"

Yawn. Keep your hatred for the successful out of this post. It's more irrelevant than me telling people I'm going to see Ron White on April 9th.

"If I were a vegetable, I would think it’s pretty damn selfish of me to want to stay alive. I would not want my family and friends to have to pay for 24 hour skilled nursing care, which costs thousands and thousands of dollars to do so (I think in this woman’s case, $80,000/year) while I shit and piss myself and drool on some hospital bed. I can only hope that if I am ever in this fucked up situation I create a will before I'm in this state, that clearly states not to keep me alive if I'm in a vegitated state."

I agree with you. However, she may not. I hope both of us are able to have our wills enacted if this should happen to either of us. She will have to serve as a lesson.
Jun 27, 2003
To Mcleanhatch, like I said, them terrorists aint trynna kill me mayn. They doing the same thing this government is doing to achieve their own freedom. The point I was making is you all talk about how life is so important and we gotta save it; yet, you wanna turn around and slaughter hella foos: hypocrocy.

I totally agree with 206's point, even the whole "starving" to death is she really gon feel it? I think the parents are thinking about things in their own point of view. 15 years and she can't even live by herself. I do agree that it should be done quicker than a few days but not for her sake, for those involved sakes.
Jul 7, 2002
@mclean and the others, now shut up and follow the lead of you peers.

Poll: Evangelicals Oppose Gov't on Schiavo

2 hours, 57 minutes ago

Add to My Yahoo! U.S. National - AP

By The Associated Press

More than two-thirds of people who describe themselves as evangelicals and conservatives disapprove of the intervention by Congress and President Bush (news - web sites) in the case of the Terri Schiavo, the brain-damaged woman at the center of a national debate.

A CBS News poll found that four of five people polled opposed federal intervention, with levels of disapproval among key groups supporting the GOP almost that high.

Bush's overall approval was at 43 percent, down from 49 percent last month.

May 13, 2002
TheBountyHunter said:
However, we shouldn't interject OUR opinion when we don't know what hers is. Her husband says one thing, and someone (this "Cyndi" person) said that he admitted to lying about it. At least her family can point to her religion to show where Terri might be coming from.

If we don't know what Terri wanted, we have to err on the side of life. That way, if we are found to be wrong, we can quickly reverse it.
You’re right; we shouldn’t interject our opinions, that right is up to HER SPOUCE, as according to law.

Now, it doesn’t matter if her husband is a shady guy or whatever the opponents have made him out to be…it doesn’t matter. It’s the law; he has the right as her legal guardian. He has sought for the termination of her life, who I remind you has had no brain function for 15 years. The Florida state courts have repeatedly ruled that Michael Schiavo had the right, as her legal guardian, to make that decision, and that Terri Schiavo herself would have agreed, based on her statements to her husband and to two other witnesses before her heart attack that left her in this permanent vegetative state.

Yes, her eyes were open, she would move and concentrate on the relevant person/item during the discussion. This leads me to believe there's at least a possibility that she has this sense.
Electrical monitoring of Schiavo’s brain has shown that there is no activity in the cerebral cortex. The blinks and other movements of her eyes, the occasional smiles, the yawns, etc. are all typical of a vegetative condition; they’re reflex reactions, not consciousness.

And correct me if I'm wrong, as I obviously don't know your friends situation, but did he only have biased doctors whos hospital was partially financed by someone's lawyer, like in this situation? Hell, even one of the biased doctors in question said he has been shocked by Terri's awareness.
My comrade saw many, many doctors, all with the same conclusions.

This claim of “biased” doctors is absurd. This women has seen many specialists over the 15 years with the same conclusions, there is virtually no disagreement that Schiavo has suffered irreversible brain damage, not to mention her case has seen 18 courts over the last seven years. Every judicial decision has upheld the position of Michael Schiavo.

Once again. These professional doctors, as you failed to argue, so I'll assume you conceed, are biased. Independent doctors believe that she has the possibility to make some recovery.
What? Some Right-Wing Christian doctor? Perhaps Tom DeLay, who was in fact a doctor, a heart surgeon to be specific?

And where do you get this story about the video being edited over the course of weeks? Is this wishful thinking? I've not heard of this.
Have you seen the tape? If you have, you’d clearly see that the tape has been edited. Can’t you tell when a scene cuts to the next scene? Cant you tell that the video is spliced together?

Once again, my wishes, nor your wishes for ourselves is relevant here. And like MEDICAL EXPERTS WITH NO AGENDA (you're not one -- neither are the doctors you're citing, unless you've heard from one who has seen her outside of the 4 I mentioned are either) say, she DOES have the possibility to get better. If she had no possibility of getting better, why is her husband so terrified of allowing a warm cloth to be placed on Terri's hand, for fear of it being called "therapy"? If shes beyond therapy, they can keep that towel on her hand for the rest of my life -- it won't matter to him.
There is only ONE single case of a PARTIAL recovery from a persistent vegetative state out of the hundreds of thousands cases over the years. You can look this up, it was a Police officer in MN who was shot and was only in this state for 20 months, not 15 years. He was unable to speak, move, and could barely swallow, most of the time he needed assistance. He died a couple years later.

Schiavo has liquid cerebral cortex. Do you understand that, do you understand what that means? These are the complex cell structures that control thought, memory, sensation and emotion…it’s completely destroyed, it’s liquefied. There is no recovery from that.

By the way, I can't stand Bill O'Reilly.
That’s good.

And how is she unconscious? Is she not moving? Is she not blinking? Don't we keep other members of our society alive that are "totally dependent on others"?
As I mentioned above, blinking and moving does not require consciousness; these are reflex reactions and instinctive movements.


Read that. No hope of revival. I'm not sure if this baby had a chance of revival, but all objective experts who have seen the Schaivo case believe she does have a chance. This case is an apple to the Terri situation (an orange).
lmao, now you’re just making up shit. Schiavo has a liquefied cerebral cortex, never in the history of mankind has a human grown a new cerebral cortex. No hope of revival.

Yawn. Keep your hatred for the successful out of this post. It's more irrelevant than me telling people I'm going to see Ron White on April 9th.
So it’s hatred for the successful when I care about the people?
May 11, 2002
I am going to have to agree with 2-0-Sixx on this one. There is no point in keeping her alive. It's not like she is going to snap out of it and regain all that she has lost. Like 2-0-Sixx ive seen it first hand.

Remember there are far worst things then death. A vegtable state for 15 years is one of those things, in my opinion. She will be more of a burden for her parents then anything. If they want to invest all the money to keep their brain dead daughter alive, go ahead, I personally don't see the point. Even if she does gain coinciousnes, she will likely die from pneumonia. If she were to "recover" the chances are high she will die eventually from all the complications later on.

If I was ever like that for over a year, pull the cord please....
Sep 28, 2004
From reports I've read, she is "fading fast". It could be any day now. How much longer after she dies do you think that this controversy will rage on? I don't believe it's truly about morals ( with some exceptions, I realize.) but is mostly political. I am not a very politcal person, which is why I can't really put down in words what I believe. To sum it up, I think it's an extremely sad situation and that it was handled totally wrong. Nothing can change what has already passed, and what has been decided. The best route would have been to just allow a legal separation, and give the responsibility over to the parents. They love their daughter, brain dead or not, liquid cortex or not. She'll never get better, most of the sources agree. It's just that others weild the sword in this debate, and no one has any power to affect it now. Whether or not anyone agrees with anything that transpired is moot, because it happened. I value life, don't get me wrong. I've had time to rethink my previous statements where I said, " She won't even feel herself dying." Her senses may register it, but whether or not she FEELS it in the same sense as you or I would is impossible to know first hand. I'm not sure if I'll receive flack for sayin' that I agree she would not want to live that way, but I am making sure that I state it wasn't really in anyone but the politicians' control.
May 13, 2002
^^Everyone has their own personal opinions and feelings over this matter, which is fine, but I guess really the question you should ask yourself is whether or not her spouse has the right to make the final decision (which the courts have ruled in favor of) or if the decision is up to the parents.
May 11, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
^^Everyone has their own personal opinions and feelings over this matter, which is fine, but I guess really the question you should ask yourself is whether or not her spouse has the right to make the final decision (which the courts have ruled in favor of) or if the decision is up to the parents.

I think that is simple to answer. This is also the very reason why the parents keep on being denied in court.

Who do you think knows you better? Would your spouse or your parents?

Repeatedly her husband has told the courts that she told him that if she was ever in the situation she is in, do not allow her to remain in a vegtable state. Why would he lie? im not sure but does he pick up a life insurance policy?

But still I strongly wish to point that this women will never be a fully functional human being ever again. She will have to run a gaunlet of medical problems for the rest of her life if she miraciolusly recovers from the vegtable state. The doctors already said she will soon have to face kidney failure, on top of the other complications.
May 13, 2002
@Bountykiller and as far as your "independent" doctors go,

As far as I'm aware, there have only been two doctors that were quoted in the media opposing the diagnosis, both of which are representatives of the Christian fundamentalist right, one with a direct financial interest in supposed “therapy” for the irredeemably brain-damaged.

Neurologists have explained over and over that, unlike a patient in a coma, the person of a vegetative state is wakeful, with eyes open and moving randomly, just like my friends state. To family members and friends, even an occasional apparent response to an external stimulus may seem like proof that their loved one is still “with” them. This is an understandable delusion, which is now being exploited by those who care nothing for Schiavo the person, but seek to exploit her as a right-wing political strategy.

A person in a vegetative state is in far worse condition than someone in a coma, as shown by the measurements of electrical activity in the brain and other neurological data and tests. To reject these finding is to completely reject science in the favor of self-delusion or religious beliefs.

Her brain function is zero. Her neuro-muscular control is zero. Her cerebral cortex is liquefied. She does not respond to stimul or in other words, there is no relation between her random eye movements, yawns, facial movements and external stimuli.

You will not find one credible neurologist or neurosurgeon who will tell you she is not in a vegetative state, unlike Jeb Bush and others who say she is somewhat conscious.