Locahontas said:
Who knows? Maybe they have a reason, it's just not clear to us. They could be more advanced than us in certain ways (space travel, etc), but maybe we're more advanced than them in others. Like I said, who the hell really knows? Guess I'll just have to ask an alien next time I see one. =)
damn next time I see one I will ask them? =)
Seriously the last time I did shrooms I thought I saw aliens. Im dead serious ask my friends. They will testify.
Right before I did the shrooms...I was playing basketball with my friend and I fell on the concrete and used my hands to stop my fall. When I got up from the fall I looked on my hand and I had a perfect, triangle, as a scrape on the palm of my hand.
Then it turns out right when I take the shrooms, I am looking outside and I think I see a UFO comming twoards the apartment. So I call everyone outside to look outside and look at what I thought was a UFO. Later on we all find out it was only a plane(but it had three lights shaped in a triangle, so I thought it was a UFO)then my friend tells me that Mars is closest to the Earth, in 3000 years. So then I start tripping out, then I go into his room. I look on his dresser and he has a lava lamp with a baby Alien in the middle.
After that basically I start tripping, HARD off the shrooms!
never again am I doing shrooms.
More shit happend that night.
But it something in which you had to experience to understand.....