As someone said earlier, it's because he dissed Method Man, and then Inspectah Deck, and then after the beef was squashed, was still talking greasy about 'em.
I'm split on the whole situation.
It's lame to run up on someone with more than just you (unless they're with their crew), and punk them out.
On the other hand.
It's fucking Budden.
He talks way more shit than he can back up.
I agree with Kirby. This whole situation has me split like the lawyer in 13 Ghosts.
I think the entire thing should've stayed on wax, but something must've triggered Rae to gather his goons and step to him at that moment. I give Mickey Factz props for staying there with Joe and possibly risking getting beat down as well. At least he didn't bitch out on the situation.
Joe got what he deserved, you cannot be disrespectful and expect to keep doing what you were doing. The whole bodyguard thing... I think he just did it all his own, on impulse. It wasn't planned.
What has me beside myself is that Crooked I loc'd up and was ready to ride on them cats! If I know anything, it's don't fuck with Crooked I when he's on his turf. They would've demolished everyone IF they would've got a hold of them. If this continues, this is gonna get uglier than Jamie Foxx on "In Living Color" playing, you guessed it, 'Ugly Wanda.'
But seriously, this isn't gonna go away soon. Rappers have to much pride and ego to let shit go. Sadly this is the beginning of another gigantic rap beef all over again.
Bullets, bandanas and blood...