I had one NIGHTMARE of an experience about 3 years ago, and I will never link my bank account to them again. What happened was, a family emergency came up and whatever, so I had to take all the funds from the bank. Then Paypal had some stupid fee they were charging me, and instead of taking it from my Paypal they tried taking it from my bank. $0 in the bank remember. And guess what, they kept trying to get it, each damn time they tried the bank was charging me like $40 for that. It went up to like $1000. I talked to the bank and they cut that amount in half thankfully but I still had to pay $500 because of those douchebags who NEVER answer your questions on the phone. They kept referring me to their website for answers. Anyways, I had a couple bills in the account and they held onto it for like 1 entire year! It was BULLSHIT. Just thinking about it gets to me. Worst customer service on the real.