Dude needs to just stop addressing the issue then cuz the news has been different every day. lol. Although, i guess this is creating a buzz around him.
He's a problematic business man. Dude's always stooped in some turmoil with his label while Stone is thriving.
You can't say the problems are on Ruthless' end.
Hes a special Ed student who never passed thru it, of course he's a problematic business man! But really, I'm pretty sure he knew nothing about the business and just wanted to get his music out so bad he'd sign the first piece of paper that came his way.
Whats not to say Hop isn't the problem, in fact I could belive he has more do to w/ his turmoil than Ruthless does, but why the hell would a label shelve and album for 5 years and then put it out that many years later? The music has a better chance of being outdated, fans may have a lost of interest, and the label has a smaller chance of recouping anything.
But i guess that most the time, labels don't really push their lesser known bottom of the barrel acts (like Hopsin). Others on the label are obviously getting that push (like Stone). So, I'm just curious, does anyone know who is Ruhtless's biggest act?