^^^^A Boxer doe$ Not $taNd aN equal chaNce with a free $tyle martial arti$t$, im a bigger boxiNg faN a$ I doNe the $port for a few year$ but i thiNk Free $tyle martial arti$t$ are more di$cipliNed meNtally N phy$ically, boxiNg doe$ a lot 4 ya too but free$tyle martial art$ keep U oN your toe$ 4 everythiNg, U doNt ju$t gotta worry about your oppoNeNt$ hook$, $traight$ N uppercut$ but U got kNee$, elbow$ N legg$ coMiNg @ U, i caN deal with fi$t to fi$t but everythiNg goe$ $ouNd$ more fuN....