the shit was tight considering everyone was there to see vanilla ice vertigo and grant rice still ripped it.
it was nice hearing grants new shit his shit is tight as hell and he had panic on stage and sg and luna joined him
vertigo was tight there intro was tight they came out with oompa lumpas and shit like willy wonka it was tight
much love to vertigo and grant
and grant told everyone the mixtape comes out on nov 18
and all of grants people were there and they all out grant rice empire shirts on i for sure got to get one of those.
and thanks to grant for takeing a pic with me
it was nice hearing grants new shit his shit is tight as hell and he had panic on stage and sg and luna joined him
vertigo was tight there intro was tight they came out with oompa lumpas and shit like willy wonka it was tight
much love to vertigo and grant
and grant told everyone the mixtape comes out on nov 18
and all of grants people were there and they all out grant rice empire shirts on i for sure got to get one of those.
and thanks to grant for takeing a pic with me