Stop saying Steroids are illegal, then speaking like you're actually saying something. Steroids are NOT illegal in all cases any more than Alcohol is illegal in all cases. Be CLEAR with what you're saying.
The only time they are not illegal is when a doctor prescribes them for medical reasons, like bad asthma. Other than that, they are illegal. Same story with marijuana.. Are you gonna try to say that isn't illegal too?
Technically more true than false.....Yes.
100% True..... No.
Let's not forget what we're talking about here, people. Not psychoactive substances, or stimulants like Meth/Crack, etc. We're talking about synthetic testosterone. Not always illegal besides being prescribed by a matter what you've heard.
YET, if this were something that was remotely possible for athletes, don't you think they would be getting prescriptions under some believable, yet false pretense?