WOW, ha ha ha i never read so much bullshit in my life, wtf wuz wrong with wut TI said? in my opinion that nigga said that shit in a VERY VERY VERY nice and sensitive way, he speakin the truth, why should muthafucaz get to come here illegally and others gotta do it tha legal way? how is that fair to everybody? why mesicans think they some special people?, and this uncle tom faggot dhadnot" needs to get tha burrito slapped out his mouth, this lil border jumpin bean eatin faggot criminal 909 keep poppin all this bullshit and aint nobody moderatin his posts, but when a real nigga like me speak ya'll all over my shit , this whole board funnystyle , dhadnot u a weird ass blac dude, where tha fuc in LA u from anyway? i never seen a nigga kiss so much ass,
FIRST OF ALL muthafuca NATIVE AMERICANS wuz here FIRST, if u didnt understand that the first time then re-read that again, the spanish came later , the mesicans came even later, the mesicans r a mix of south american (aztec) and spanish mix, the original native americans were already in north america before these faggots came over and took it from them, why these fucin mesicans cryin that its they land , muthafuca it aint yo land, get over it
its tha North American Natives land
TI shoulda dissed the fuc out these gottdam only fight when its 30 on 1 wetcacs , nigga said that shit in a very nice way, and wuz bein fair to everybody, but obviously these mesicans want the blac man to kiss they ass
and lol @ the cat sayin blac people didnt do half the shit latinos did , get off that meth, smiley
the slaves built america learn some fucin history , but u probly gon need to learn some english first holmes
lol swapmeet stank ass bean burrto eatin ass muthafucaz tryna pop shit