Ok, this is getting way out of hand

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May 13, 2002
Who's bashing christians?

Most of the threads regarding christianity/religion are meant for serious debates, something some of us like to do. From time to time, they can get very heated.

Psycho Logic directed that statement specifically at me probably because he is a conservative and unfortunately, not intelligent enough to construct any logical arguments and resorts to name calling and insults.

I have three main areas of interest: Politics, atheist/theist discussion, and Science. Naturally I'm going to post about these topics frequently.
May 2, 2002
Look, you fucking social outcasts.

I do NOT like Regan, nor do I think he was a good president, nor do I think he should be on a dollar bill or have a holiday or something.. ITS COMMON DECENCY!!!! DIDNT YOUR PARENTS TEACH YOU THAT?! Or were they too busy brainwashing you with liberal BS? common decency, people. a man lost his life, RESPECT THAT. Hes got kids, grandkids, a whole family morning his death. his family just lost a person close to them and they feel like shit. and you assholes are sittin here in the comfort of your own home, behind a computer screen talking shit. you're cowards. all of you. if I saw one of you guys disrespecting a dead person, ANY dead person, Id sock you in your fucking mouth. please believe that.

how would you guys like it if your dad died, then some punk suburban kid who's mad because his school just took away the soda machines (so... kids like yall) vents on a message board and talks shit about your dad? I'll tell you, you'd be pissed. irate.

learn some fucking manners. you're pathetic.
May 2, 2002
2-0-Sixx said:
Who's bashing christians?

Psycho Logic directed that statement specifically at me probably because he is a conservative and unfortunately, not intelligent enough to construct any logical arguments and resorts to name calling and insults.
name calling? insults?

I asked a few questions. Im curious as to why you act the way you act. because it isn't normal. it seems you may have some personality flaws, possibly some disorders... usually, people who take pleasure is someone else's death is associated with anti-social personality disorder.
May 13, 2002
You've insulted me several times.

So, do you speak positive about all dead people? What about Hitler? Since he is dead, no one should speak negatively about him, right? How would you feel if Osama died today? Would you be happy or sad? :dead:
May 2, 2002
I wouldnt be sad or happy if osama died. Id feel better. why? cuz he poses a threat to me. did regan pose a threat to you or your life? and regan didnt slaughter jews by the millions. nor did he blow up any building or order for planes to be flown into a skyscraper full of civilans.

Im not sad over regans death, but Im not gonna talk shit about him.
May 8, 2002
Deep Thought said:
It's the "In" thing to do in these post 9/11 times. Like sportin American flags and being the super-patriot.

Not saying they all was frontin', but c'mon 'hatch. Even the Michigan Wolverines is good for over 100K - PER GAME. The Indy Speedway packs 'em in a quarter million at a time. So really, an alleged GREAT president passes and they can only dredge up 50K? A significant portion were likey homless people lookin for the free kool-aid and cookies being served as refreshments.
as of last night it is up to 100,000K in the simi valley alone. i can see there probly getting close to a melon by the end of the week