Ok, this is getting way out of hand

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May 13, 2002
Reagan on the new $10 bill?


WASHINGTON — Former president Ronald Reagan's name has been enshrined on everything from an airport outside Washington to a turnpike in Florida to a mountain in New Hampshire. Now his most fervent fans have a new memorial in mind: the $10 bill.

Once Reagan's body has been interred on Friday, leaders of the Ronald Reagan Legacy Project will launch a campaign in Congress to put Reagan's visage in the space now occupied by founding father Alexander Hamilton.

Hamilton was a nice guy and everything, but he wasn't president," says Grover Norquist, who heads the legacy project as well as an influential conservative group called Americans for Tax Reform. "As a board member of the (National Rifle Association), I can also tell you that he was a bad shot."

Hamilton may be remembered most for a fight he lost - a duel of honor against Vice President Aaron Burr in 1804 that left him fatally wounded. But Hamilton was also a Revolutionary War hero, George Washington's chief of staff, an author of the Federalist Papers and a Treasury secretary who created many of the financial and economic systems that survive today.

Unlike Reagan, however, Hamilton lacks a modern-day political constituency - one reason that the $10 bill is being targeted. The Federalist Party that Hamilton helped forge is defunct. The Republican Party that Reagan helped restore to power now controls the White House, the Senate and the House of Representatives.

Kentucky Sen. Mitch McConnell, who as majority whip is the No. 2-ranking Republican in the Senate, says he'll sponsor the proposal when the time is right. Robert Stevenson, a spokesman for Senate Majority Leader Bill Frist, R-Tenn., says "there could be a head of steam" behind the idea, especially right after Reagan's death.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
That's going just a little too far. But that's what our country is coming to...
May 2, 2002
do you spend all your time trying to bash conservatives, christians, and the country you take for granted?

do you have a job? girlfriend? friends? a life? if so, do they take a backseat to your obsession with politics?

just wondering..
Oct 12, 2003
Why cant true heroes get recognition like this??? Like MLK, Malcolm X, Cesar Chavez?? And I'd rather see JFK on the Ten dollar bill, then the 50 cent coin, since he was one of the few great presidents this country ever had
May 2, 2002
559_Soldado said:
Why cant true heroes get recognition like this??? Like MLK, Malcolm X, Cesar Chavez?? And I'd rather see JFK on the Ten dollar bill, then the 50 cent coin, since he was one of the few great presidents this country ever had
martin luther king has his own day holiday for gods sakes.

and cesar chavez... good guy. did a lot for his people, and I have a tremendous amount of respect for him.. but hes not an AMERICAN icon.. more of a mexican icon. well, mexican-american icon.


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
psycho logic, it's no one's fault that republicans do stupid shit and it's all over the news....if ya don't like it, too bad. just don't read it if it's that big of a deal to you. nobody is making you read all the threads being made. why don't you post some of your own if you got a problem? and what is "the likes of you guys" supposed to mean? lol...you got some personal beef with people that don't think or believe the exact same shit as you?
May 21, 2002
Sacramento, CA
What's really funny is all over the say, "The World Mourns Reagan's Passing". WTF? Believe me, noone outside a very small circle of blood family, close personal friends, and THEmanholeRIPPA actually cares. We're public enemy #1 right now to the global community. And Stateside? You gotta be older than Gen X to really even know who he was. Hell, I'm 31 and the only thing I can recall is the term "Reaganomics", the movie, "Bedtime for Bonzo", jelly beans, and him saying, "Mr. Gorbachev, tear down this wall!"

Put him on the 10? Like some people mentioned above, I think it's high time the US Treasury went AA and mixed in someone who wasn't anglo on our leagal tender.

If only to see 'necks and 'publicans holding mass 10 dollar bill burning bonfires in protest all over national tv.

That shit would be funny-as-fuck.
May 21, 2002
Sacramento, CA
It's the "In" thing to do in these post 9/11 times. Like sportin American flags and being the super-patriot.

Not saying they all was frontin', but c'mon 'hatch. Even the Michigan Wolverines is good for over 100K - PER GAME. The Indy Speedway packs 'em in a quarter million at a time. So really, an alleged GREAT president passes and they can only dredge up 50K? A significant portion were likey homless people lookin for the free kool-aid and cookies being served as refreshments.
Apr 25, 2002
Psycho Logic said:

and cesar chavez... good guy. did a lot for his people, and I have a tremendous amount of respect for him.. but hes not an AMERICAN icon.. more of a mexican icon. well, mexican-american icon.

so what ? just because he's mexican he shouldn't be honord ? you said it mexican-american ,he's america i dont see the problem ?
Oct 12, 2003
Psycho Logic said:
martin luther king has his own day holiday for gods sakes.
And MLK Helped to CREATE EQUALITY "for god's sakes". I dont see why he isnt recognized as much as Reagan is being now. Folks just look at MLK day as a Day off from work.

and cesar chavez... good guy. did a lot for his people, and I have a tremendous amount of respect for him.. but hes not an AMERICAN icon.. more of a mexican icon. well, mexican-american icon.
Just like WiNo said, why is their a problem with honoring Chavez?? He helped create some of the basic human rights farm laborers have today? And arent they the ones that harvest the fruit THAT FEEDS AMERICA?
May 15, 2002
559_Soldado said:
Why cant true heroes get recognition like this??? Like MLK, Malcolm X, Cesar Chavez?? And I'd rather see JFK on the Ten dollar bill, then the 50 cent coin, since he was one of the few great presidents this country ever had
As you can see, they aint lettin that shyt happen. I dont care for that bullshyt about MLK got his own holiday, the presidents have their own day too..so what? But the real bullshyt is that Malcolm X seems to be really forgotten. He has no day, u hardly hear about him in history books, and there's a reason for this. MLK was all on that non-violence, turn the other cheek shyt. Malcolm X was a fight fire with fire type.
Apr 25, 2002
These Reagan worshipers are horrible. How you gunna remove the guy from our national currency that was responsible for there being a national currency?? Poor choice.

The real reason is because the 10 gets used so much and they cream themselves every time they see his image. If it were an issue over someone not being pres. then they'd want him on the 100 instead of Ben Franklin. These lying right-wing loons should try being straight up with people and telling the truth for once. At least then they'd just be right-wing loons instead of lying right-wing loons. :dead:


Some Random Asshole
Apr 25, 2002
ColdBlooded said:
These lying right-wing loons should try being straight up with people and telling the truth for once. At least then they'd just be right-wing loons instead of lying right-wing loons. :dead:

For real!
Apr 8, 2004
Psycho Logic said:
do you spend all your time trying to bash conservatives, christians, and the country you take for granted?

do you have a job? girlfriend? friends? a life? if so, do they take a backseat to your obsession with politics?

just wondering..
fa real tho, i don't think just cause it's on 24/7 we have to flood the forum w/ it, but that's only my opinion. this board is open to anyone, to post whatever tha fucc they want. i don't think the question was whether or not you could, but rather, what's the point. the only problem i have tho, some of you said that's all that's being talked about on tv so that's the reason for these post which is cool, but what about the "christians" Psycho Logic asked about? christians haven't been the headlines of news, at least not lately, so what's the point of tha "christian bashing"? and the christian news i have seen lately isn't being talked about in these threads, AT ALL, just attempts to ridicule religion and religious people. Wow!

Two thumbs down!