oakraiders9 said:
What about if the decision was made in the Supreme Court? Can a "lower" court rule over the Supreme Court?
Without getting too deep, the Supreme Court basically deals with
constitutional law, but it also deals with the executive and legislative sections of the government as well as other matters. You won't find someone being charged for murder in supreme court.
Once a decision has been made in the supreme court the "lower" court has no say so in the matter. If a lower court has overturned a supreme court decision (which would be defeating the purpose of having a supreme court) I've never heard of it. But I didn't know the supreme court hearings were as brief as they were until I took my CJ 1 class. It may take months or years to be heard by the S.C. (if they hear you at all), but if they do hear the case, each side has 30 minutes to basically say what they need to say and after they have done so it takes like 4-6 weeks to come with the ruling.