You just proved that you are retarded and definitely not a real X fan and I doubt that you have even been to Sacramento. Every album he has put out since Psycho Active has at least 5-7 Classic tracks on it except for the Eternally Unforgivin 2008 that even I will admit was not good, the sound quality was terrible and the beats were just alright. Psycho Active 2 released 2015 was very good pretty much the whole album Slapped and his vocals were crystal clear. So you are a fool if you think X-Raided hasn't put out good material since Psycho Active and for your information he already has a album coming out on Black Market Records and many more projects in the works. Now that he can oversee his production the material will be much better. If C-Bo and Brother Lynch Hung are still putting out albums why wouldn't X-Raided? Him being on parole is not going to stop nothing, Lavish D is on high risk parole and he still puts out albums. So go back to commenting on mozzy still a sucka, you are not a Real X-Loc fan.