thanks think this one makes the most sense to me.. Spoiler****
Okay so, what I got from it is that there were people before humans, and that these people then made humans using the Piece of Eden. However, they manufactured the humans so they would obey them as long as the Piece of Eden was in their possession. Adam and Eve find out and steal the Piece of Eden, releasing the humans from their figurative chains, and leading a rebellion against them. So, in a sense, without realizing it, the "Gods" for lack of a better term, were the first Templars and Adam and Eve, along with all who followed, were the first Assassins. And so they waged war. The "Gods" were stronger but the humans were way more numerous, so the "Gods" were fighting a losing battle. Then, out of nowhere, something that no one expected happened. Some kind of catastrophe involving the sun caused some kind of mass genocide, but there were survivors. Then, realizing that they should stop fighting and rebuild, the "Gods" and humans united. The "Gods" died out and after a looooooooooong time that really happened transformed from truth into myth and speculation since there was no written language. The "Gods" become actual Gods and the sun becomes some sort of be all end all for civilization. The Eastern Hemisphere "evolves" but the Western Hemisphere, or at least the middle of it, still know what's up. But then the conquerers come and destroy nearly everything, leaving only the calender that has the fateful day when it might all happen again--12/21/2012. So anyway, now nobody remembers and the world is doomed once more, except this time there are no "Gods" to protect the humans. However, the "Gods" foresaw this and put temples, or "Vaults" all over the planet to retell the actual tale. HOWEVER, Ezio finds it much too soon, before he can actually do anything about it. The "Gods" foresaw THIS too, and knew that Desmond would revisit the memories of his ancestors so they made sure that in the temple they let him know that they were talking to HIM and not Ezio. It can be assumed that Ezio passed this information down through his ancestors as well, which is probably why Desmonds parents knew it was so vital to keep him safe. So now the threat has shifted from the Templars ruling the world with the Piece of Eden to the sun destroying the world altogether. There's a catch though. Just like the first Vault that Ezio found, you need Pieces of Eden to gain entry to all the other ones. So now that Desmond has all his ancestors' abilities, along with the hidden blade, the search is on, both for another Piece of Eden and the Vaults themselves. Oh, and the Templars may or may not be oblivious to the fact that their doom is imminent. Whether they seek to just rule the world with the Pieces of Eden or save the world with the Pieces of Eden and THEN rule it remains to be seen. I think they know though. The satillite mentioned on one of the computers needed the Piece of Eden to function. I'm just not sure if it's to broadcast the mind-control effects or display the locations of the temples. Maybe the former, because they definitely want dominion like their ancestors. Maybe the latter, because Ezio did the exact same thing with the Piece of Eden when he found the location of the first Vault on the codex pages. Anyway, what I'm trying to get at is that Assassin's Creed III should involve an Eternal Darkness-esque search for the Pieces of Eden, locating and entering the remaining Vaults, and reconciling with the Templars. Or destroying them once and for all. Should be fun.