People on the sicc that take shit too serious. We call these people 'HATERS'
Though there are a small few, it haunts me to run into many of these so-called 'HATERS'
Its so fucking hott outside
I worked 2 days at both jobs so far, did I mention they are both pizza places and I can have WHATEVER I want for free?
cuz yeah, I can
Nahh, But he is coming to the Civic center that is literally 2 minutes away from my house on Saturday,
Expensive ass tickets though. $97.00 for the BALCONY
Yeah the worst part about it is Gucci performs like Soulja from what I was told,
$97.00 to see some idiot yell "AYE AYE OHKAY OHKAY" and dance for an hour is money not well spent
So that Gucci concert I was talking about earlier, well my friend told me there was like 20 people there. Gucci just walked off stage seconds after he went on.
This is why I dont waste my money with this kind of hip hop