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YOU don't die.
Body dies.
Body is illusion.
Although the body dies and there appears to be no more life, the life itself is not extinguished. The soul moves from body to body. If the soul dies when the body dies, then the corpse reigns supreme. And a rock is probably one of the highest forms of existence. If the soul is produced of the body then I await medical science to re-animate a corpse. The only way I see this being done is with marrionette strings. But, even then, where is the consciousness?
I follow logically that body comes from body and life comes from life. Of course, it all boils down to one being supreme to the other. If life is existence, as far as how we can think of it, (and if we couldn't think of it we wouldn't know existence), then it should conclude that life is superior to matter. Thus, although body comes from body, the energy behind it's temporary manifestation comes from The Supreme Energetic. And the soul comes from The Supreme Soul.