Didn't sound like one. And both you and I know it wasn't one. But if you want to play Language games with someone like me, I guess that's on you. I'd advise you to do your homework ahead of time, but...yes. It's your call.
The fact is that anyone like YOU who would claim to know 'computer parts' would know that buying a Core 2 Duo (not Quad or Extreme) is about as far away as you can get from "dumping" money into building a system. C2D is STANDARD these days. Dell, HP, Compaq, everything. Which leads me to believe....again...you don't know what you're talking about. You're grown, and have contacts here and there, and a reputation, and yadda yadda, so you can't seem too ignorant...but none of that shit really matters.
You're either asking stupid questions, or don't know shit about computers, or a little of both. There is no in-between. Go for in-between again, and I'll put you right back outside. Simple as that. Make up your mind or quit now, because this will end badly for you. Wiki can't save you.