So I take it this picks up 1 1/2 years later?
Kinda suprises me that it took that long for Richard to Off Manny.
Would not surprise me if Nucky had a hand in Manny getting killed like that. Manny was all demanding his own shit........Nucky prolly called on Richard?
Mick stills wants Mrs. Thompsons ass.....LOL. She ain't havin it.
And how about Margaret? She is about to get involved in Politics you can tell. She wants more right for women. Not very popular for that time.
Nucky is cleary the Boss. Handing out Gold at a new years eve party! LOL
Kinda suprises me that it took that long for Richard to Off Manny.
Would not surprise me if Nucky had a hand in Manny getting killed like that. Manny was all demanding his own shit........Nucky prolly called on Richard?
Mick stills wants Mrs. Thompsons ass.....LOL. She ain't havin it.
And how about Margaret? She is about to get involved in Politics you can tell. She wants more right for women. Not very popular for that time.
Nucky is cleary the Boss. Handing out Gold at a new years eve party! LOL
Mcthuggin99 and infinity