I didn't get much gifts.. but i did get a cal beanie, some nikes and a clean ass avirex hoodie... I knew my mom would get me something that she thought I would like but i probably wouldn't.. Yup what did I get? a fuckin shady sweater haha.... thanks for tryin mom
but my dad came through suprisingly and gave each of his kids (me, 2 bros and 1 sister) each a few hundred dollars... wow that was a suprise... so technically my dad is about to buy me all kinds of shit... actually might just pay off my car and insurance and cell for this next month so all my income is mine...
cool christmas though so far, about to go eat at my brothers house with a whole gang of people....
all thats missin from my XMAS is the ho, ho, ho, hoes...
guess I'll have to wait till new years for those