Officers down in Dallas protests

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Aug 31, 2003
End of the day, I think we agree who is at fault. But violence begets violence. I'm just looking for a better way.
What's the better way? Peaceful protests, blocking off highways, forced body cam on officers, the threat of anyone in the area being able to record you murdering another person, etc isn't slowing anything down in the least.

There's kids being murdered for playing in a park man and no one is brought to justice, which is the main problem. There's no fear of life in prison or 25 to life, their punishment is a desk job.


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
I'll fully admit that I don't know the better way, although I do have suggestions. My point is that violence is not that better way. I cannot possibly envision a scenario where the little guy fights back physically and ends up making the country better. If I am wrong, someone explain to me how we are going to star and win the war, and how we're going to make the country better afterwards.

Look at Rwanda. The minute the oppressed had a chance to find justice, they used it as an excuse for vengeance and genocide. It's human nature. I'd much rather us all work together, which hasn't happened in years.


Apr 25, 2002

When did I take sides? How have I shifted blame? I can say that police are to blame without vindicating murder. That's insanity.
I think when you quoted me and replied the way you did you took sides. If violence begets violence, like you're saying, then what are we really discussing? Why don't we place more emphasis on the initial violence that gave birth to the violence that followed? Why not get to the root of the problem?

White people pull up Alton Sterling's rap sheet and say "well he was a criminal, the cops were in danger, it's justified."
It's not just white people who do this. I've seen Asians, Latinos, Middle Easterns and Blacks do it as well. The problem here is that you have a certain outlook based on racial issues and the belief/mentality that cops are in danger and that their actions, no matter how heinous, are justified.

Other people look at cops getting gunned down and say "well they're murdering people left and right, it's justified".
How isn't it justified if one side has declared war and there are no checks and balances?

The common factor here is that both sides, from their perspectives, are justifying violence on some level.
Ok, so it's a common factor. How about we focus on institutional malfeasance which is the source of the violence?

I'm taking the approach that no violence is justified.
One side has clearly declared war on the other side. Proof of this is supported by case precedent and every time someone is abused (killed, robbed, raped, etc) by the police and nothing happens.

If I had to throw my hat in with one lot or the other, I'd throw my hat in with the minorities and the oppressed. But I don't have to choose one side or the other.

I'm choosing a third side, where we as a country all decide that no violence is ever okay.
This will never happen. And you can say no violence is ever okay but if we aren't addressing the initial violence that causes more violence, then it will never end.

Otherwise, this will never end.
See above.

We need to decide that human life is more valuable.
Good luck with that.

We need to decide there is never a legitimate reason for the cops to use a gun during a traffic stop, there's no legitimate reason to sell somebody an AR-15, there's no legitimate reason to get a sniper rifle and gun down cops that haven't murdered anyone.
There are legit reasons for every single one of those you listed.

I think we need to get rid of the death penalty

I don't. It's not a deterrent it's punishment. Some people deserve to be put to death.

clear out the prisons, change laws that have a disparate impact on different groups of people, and put social safety nets in place to help people with childcare, education, workers rights, healthcare, retirement, etc.

We need to redirect the entire conversation away from "this side" v "that side" and away from "whether the cops were justified to shoot", and towards the conversation of "no sides" and "its never justified to kill".
People have tried your approach. It ended with certain individuals being killed. We are no longer in the days of holding hands and singing "we shall overcome." We live in times where the system has cleared the way for normal activity to be deemed as "suspicious" thus opening the floodgates for more killings. (Federal judges in Texas, in a recent ruling, all agreed that an air freshener or religious symbol in the car can be considered “reasonable suspicion of criminal activity” if a traffic stop occurs.)

I want to see justice for every cop that ever killed an unarmed black or white person, from Dylan Noble to Alton Sterling to Philando Castile. I want to see justice for Trayvon Martin. But not at the cost of a civil war or a revolution or violence.
I don't want to see it either but I'm not going to look at this from an unrealistic perspective.

For a very simple reason:

The people in power have nuclear weapons and lasers and drones and stealth bombers and aircraft carriers. The minorities have handguns and rifles. If a "well regulated militia" tried to bear arms against a tyrannical government, as you suggest, they will lose. Badly. They will get slaughtered wholesale. And the majority of the country, who are not extremist like you, and who are not extremist like the Christian right, will sit there idly waiting for it to end.
I take offense at you calling me an extremist. I'm not an extremist. I'm simply saying when you kill innocent people, and they start killing innocent people in retaliation, then you need to look at what you're doing. If I called you a pussy...excuse me...a pacifist, for thoughts of pink flowers, chirping birds, kumbaya lords and all sorts of peachy shit would that be cool? Yes, the majority of people would be slaughtered but, if "THEIR" plans are population control, then it's going to happen regardless of what you or I say.

So before you start applauding murder and throwing out words like "war" and "preemptive strike", you better have a good fucking plan for winning the war.
And before you start shifting the blame on those who have been oppressed, and throwing out stale phrases like "violence begets violence", then you better have a good fucking plan for when that initial stage of violence (government sanctioned) is on your porch or your a victim of it. And again, THEY have already waged war against you and everyone else and the cat that did what he did last night accepted that and went for broke.

Otherwise you're irresponsibly putting people at risk. And playing by the oppressors own rules.
I'm not irresponsibly putting anyone at risk. It's on each individual to examine themselves and make choices based on their intrinsic values.

If you're saying it's fine to kill any cop due to the actions of bad cops, then you're saying it's fine to kill any white person due to the actions of bad white people.
I'm saying the violence done by the government created this entire climate. White people, as whole, do not have a unified front. Cops, as a whole, DO have a unified front. The Blue Wall/The Blue Shield. White's get it just like blacks, maybe not as harsh or as frequent but they get it, but you don't see a unified front. I see whites marching with BLM and doing all sorts of shit. Now let me ask you a question, when was the last time you had police officers turn out, in masse, to support the victim of police brutality? When that crooked cop shot himself, and blamed people that didn't even exist for the shooting, you had cops turning out, NATION FUCKING WIDE, supporting him. Did you see that for ANY of the men you listed? And none of these questions are rhetorical.

The corollary is that cops can kill innocent black people due to the actions of bad ones. I cannot accept that dangerous, extremist mentality.
What has history shown?

Peace is the answer.
How long have people been saying peace is the answer and where did it get them? At some point, people are going to get tired of that shit and they are going to behave just as irrationally as those who are behaving irrationally against them.

Not further division and destruction and decay, which is what happened last night.
And why did it happen in the first place?
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Oct 25, 2011
Anyone attempting to justify MURDER weather that'd be these police killing innocent people, or the vigilantes shooting at cops, is a fucking idiot and has zero morality.

I'm confident karma will come back to bite anyone taking innocent lives in the ass.

That's all. Don't care for anyone's input too much cuz most muhfuckers just trying to act like a badass behind a keyboard these days anyways... That's mine tho.


Allez Les Bleus 🌟🌟
Feb 27, 2006
Paris, France
Word is Mixerr is en route to Dallas to review this mass shooting of police.

Mixerr @Mixerr Reviews #716

This is Michael Mixerr. This is Michael Mixerr. Today I will be reviewing the shooting that occurred in Dallas. I traveled from Austin to Dallas to review this event more closely. Both Austin and Dallas are cities in Texas!

The shooting took place during a protest of Philando Castile and Alton Sterling's deaths. The suspect shot 12 police officers. 5 police officers have died. They will no longer be able to protect and serve!

The suspect used a gun to shoot the police officers. He ambushed the policemen and shot them! The suspect's name was Micah Johnson. He previously served in the Army and was "upset at white people."

After exchanging gunfire with law enforcement, Micah Johnson was eventually killed by a bomb that was detonated, meaning he was blown up.

Right now my thoughts are with everyone involved and affected by the shooting. Although this tragic event has ended with multiple people dead and injured, I rate the Dallas police shooting 5/5, *****! One star for every deceased police officer!


Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
I'm not gonna get into a pissing contest over semantics. I said that gunning down cops wasn't the answer. You decided to quote me and address me directly and tell me why you think it was a good thing that those cops got murdered. I understand that you think I took sides and I'm sorry you perceive things that way. Perhaps this misperception is part of the problem, on both ends, considering we both want the same ultimate resolution. I agree, the emphasis should be on the initial violence. The cops started this. I think we should get to the root of the problem - social inequities causing our civilization to function in its current state. But I don't think any violence is the answer, you do. That's it. That's the difference. You're okay with murdering innocent people. I'm not.

Like I said before, if you think murdering people will solve things, explain to me how its going to get the job done. If you came forward with any reasonable argument, I'd take it into consideration. But you don't. You're not a constructive person. You're destructive. You pick apart other people's arguments, but never offer an actual solution of your own. Just like how you want to burn society down but haven't given one constructive thought on how it would heal or rebuild after you finished murdering all the cops and setting the world on fire. You are an extremely intelligent dude, but if you don't have an end game, you're acting out of emotion, rather than with a plan.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of "pussy" things in life that I can to do make a difference. Organize blm and Fight for $15 protests and demonstrations for minority workers, bail them out when they get locked in jail for exercising First Amendment rights, help dad's who make $1000 a month and get hosed on child support, help mom's who are getting screwed by deadbeat dads, help minorities get their green cards and licenses and deferred action and an education, fight for janitors and low income workers who are getting screwed by their bosses, negotiate contracts to get them healthcare and political weight and vacation days and a fair living wage, help abused women and children, get jobs for felons. Things that require a little bit more strength and patience than violence. If each one of us tried to be constructive, and help others, rather than preying on each other, we could make the world better.

We live in a fucked up place. I'm not gonna give up and justify murdering someone. I'm not gonna say that a sniper killing an innocent human being should get a medal.

I don't agree that things aren't getting accomplished. Change happens, but it happens slowly and sporadically. What we're seeing in society right now is a changing of the guard. White people are getting phased out. More "minority" babies were born this year than white babies. In a few decades, there are going to be like minded people who can make real changes. The anger we see today is the last vestiges of entitled people trying to hang onto their power. In the meantime, we need to come up with constructive ways to make changes. If you think what happened last night brought a single person to your cause, you'd be wrong. The people who already agreed with your point of view might have got amped up, but the people who disagreed are now ready to throw down and fight.

I'm not trying to shift the blame on those who are oppressed. But if you think the oppressors are just gonna let you murder some cops and come back and be like "damn we were being dicks, we're sorry", I'm not the unrealistic one. I think it is EVERYONES responsibility to fix this. And that involves not killing, not taking sides, and coming together. It would be possible to do that if it weren't for people on the fringes.

I couldn't imagine where pacificist pussies like Ghandi and Mandela would be if they'd done things your way. But I do apologize for calling you an extremist. I honestly thought you'd be proud of that label.

The smart thing to do would be to put aside the pissing contest and figure out what can actually be done to fix things, on all sides.


Apr 25, 2002
Anyone attempting to justify MURDER weather that'd be these police killing innocent people, or the vigilantes shooting at cops, is a fucking idiot and has zero morality.

I'm confident karma will come back to bite anyone taking innocent lives in the ass.

That's all. Don't care for anyone's input too much cuz most muhfuckers just trying to act like a badass behind a keyboard these days anyways... That's mine tho.
If you don't care for anyone's input much why are you putting extra shit on it? And yeah we have keyboard warriors. From rappers, to mods to members to everyone else in between. And online or offline I have NEVER been afraid to say what I felt, wanted or needed to. That's me tho.


Apr 25, 2002

I'm not gonna get into a pissing contest over semantics.
You call it a pissing contest...

I said that gunning down cops wasn't the answer.
And I'm saying it's the byproduct of cops gunning down civilians. Moreover, when asked what is the solution, you replied with, "I'll fully admit that I don't know the better way, although I do have suggestions." So you have no better way, yet you have suggestions, and that suggestion simply boils down to "don't fight violence with violence." LOL! Once again, HISTORY shows that when you mistreat a certain way, for a period of time, they will rise up and revolt. Is it right meaning it's morally acceptable or is it right in the since that it's human nature and the fight to flight response going from flight to fight?

You decided to quote me and address me directly and tell me why you think it was a good thing that those cops got murdered.
That's a lie. Where in my original post did I say it was a "good thing" that those cops got murdered? I simply explained why it happened and why it continued to happen. You misconstrued what was typed, that's on you not me as I made myself very clear.

I understand that you think I took sides and I'm sorry you perceive things that way...
The power structure started this, the cops, which are an extension of it, reinforce it. Yes, social inequities are causing our society to crumble, but when you attempt to address these inequities, you're met with all types of resistance and the blame is put back on you and you're accused of whining or being a SJW for pointing it out.

But I don't think any violence is the answer, you do. That's it. That's the difference. You're okay with murdering innocent people. I'm not.
SMH. When you repeatedly kill innocent people, at some point, innocent people on your side are going to start dropping like flies. When that happens it's too late to say "no, they're innocent don't kill them" because you should have been trying to curtail all that shit from the gates. THAT'S what I am trying to get you to see. That one side is looking at it as justice because they have had no reprieve when shit happens.

Like I said before, if you think murdering people will solve things, explain to me how its going to get the job done.
See above. I've said to address the initial force of violence like 99 times now. How many times do I have to keep saying it or do I need to type it a different way?

If you came forward with any reasonable argument, I'd take it into consideration.
See above.

But you don't.
And you do? I seem to recall you saying, "I'll fully admit that I don't know the better way" so why are you assuming I haven't offered a reasonable argument? Address the source of the violence, which you have shown you're incapable of doing, and stop turning the oppressed into the oppressor, which you have shown you're highly capable of doing, and then you'll have your "reasonable argument."

You're not a constructive person. You're destructive. You pick apart other people's arguments, but never offer an actual solution of your own.
More lies.

Just like how you want to burn society down
More lies. In no post in this thread did I advocate burning society down.

but haven't given one constructive thought on how it would heal or rebuild after you finished murdering all the cops and setting the world on fire.
Why would I when that isn't my premise?

You are an extremely intelligent dude, but if you don't have an end game, you're acting out of emotion, rather than with a plan.
See above. Now let me dig a bit deeper, there needs to be a cultural shift within the black community FIRST. The cultural shift needs to involve less guns, policing our own neighborhoods, spending money within our own communities or with each other, and shedding the dead weight like Louis, Al, Jesse, Cosby, NAACP or anyone who shows they're out of touch with current affairs. We need to stop saving money for our kids college tuition and save money for them to open businesses. We need to look into S.T.E.A.M initiatives and embrace that instead of these crooked black churches and black schools. So, until blacks start uniting like other people, and focusing on internal issues, which go beyond the 60's then things for us as a nation of people, won't change.

Now speaking as a citizen of this country, no one can do anything against this system as long as it continues to masquerade as a republic or democracy, instead of what it truly is which is an oligarchy, plutocracy, hegemony and corporatocracy all wrapped into one. You have the SCOTUS ruling that police have no duty to protect and serve. You have federal judges agreeing that a religious symbol, something this country is supposed to protect, is reasonable suspicion of criminal activity. So, as a citizen of this country, the only way I'm NOT fucked is if I leave and, even then, I'm not free from the stranglehold.

Meanwhile, there are plenty of "pussy" things in life that I can to do make a difference...
Then do it!!!!!!! Am I stopping you? Am I saying to not do those things? If you feel that's the path you need to take to make a dent in this world, no matter how small or how large it may be, do it. However, don't knock me when I'm getting to the root of the problem and saying that innocent people being targeted is a by product of the sweep it under the rug mentality. There are people here I've helped with the expungement process. When I go around Vallejo and Berkeley handing out the food bags that come from money I make from music and other shit, I do it, don't say much about it and don't look for anything in return. I am simply playing the role I am capable of playing at the time. However, I am not going to call shit down the middle and address what needs to be addressed.

We live in a fucked up place. I'm not gonna give up and justify murdering someone. I'm not gonna say that a sniper killing an innocent human being should get a medal.
He should. If were rewarding depravity, and clearly this society has, why shouldn't he have gotten a medal? We give medals when we invade other countries under the false pretenses of war and liberation so why shouldn't we award this guy? See how it works when shit is on your porch?

I don't agree that things aren't getting accomplished...
Change happens? Ok, blacks don't have to go inside through the back, can sit on the bus and can own property. At the same that that's going on an employer is throwing out an application because the name on it is Deshawn. At the same time a young black male is given five years for two rocks while a white kid just got caught with five kilos and is given three years probation and 50 hours of community service. Yes, things are changing.

WTF? "your cause?" What is this "cause" you speak of? LMAO!

I'm not trying to shift the blame on those who are oppressed.
You are correct. You're not trying, you have.

But if you think the oppressors are just gonna let you murder some cops and come back and be like "damn we were being dicks, we're sorry", I'm not the unrealistic one. I think it is EVERYONES responsibility to fix this. And that involves not killing, not taking sides, and coming together. It would be possible to do that if it weren't for people on the fringes.
And if you think the oppressors are going to let up off the gas because you're peacefully protesting, holding hands, having interfaith prayers and all types of other shit, then you are the unrealistic one. Yes, it is everyone's responsibility to fix it but when certain people behave as if they are under no obligation to fix it, then it won't get fixed and that is part of the problem.

I couldn't imagine where pacificist pussies like Ghandi and Mandela would be if they'd done things your way.
Where did it get them and what did it accomplish? India is fucked and women are treated like 9th world citizens there. Mandela was thrown in jail and SA is still in ruins. Where did your way, which is the way of not addressing all the issues and passing the buck, get anyone? Where did it get the people of Greenwood? East St. Louis? Knoxville? Rosewood? Where did it get King?

But I do apologize for calling you an extremist. I honestly thought you'd be proud of that label.
Fuck no, because I am not calling for the destruction of people and being an "extremist" is basically the same as being a "terrorist" today. As a black man, what I am calling for is for blacks to wake up and embrace a cultural shift that focuses more on addressing our problems and how blacks deal with blacks and I think this needs to be done internally and with minimal outside help. As a citizen of this country, I am calling for people to refrain from voting, to really start addressing these politicians, law makers, lobbyists, etc and to stop sweeping shit under the rug and protecting those in power when miscarriages of justice occur.

The smart thing to do would be to put aside the pissing contest and figure out what can actually be done to fix things, on all sides.

I am saying nothing different from what he is saying.

BTW, when I quoted Butcher and typed LOL, there was a reason for that and it has to do with the other thread.

Mr G

Drunk Pot-Head
Apr 4, 2007
Las Vegas
Didn't read the long ass posts quoting each other so maybe it was in there but I just wanted to add:

This could have been avoided if just ONCE! Any of the law enforcement accused received a conviction and sentence on par with the average civilians consequences for the same actions..
And that stretches as far back as Rodney king...
Even so, I can't find a way to justify or commend the Dallas incident. Those men and woman in uniform haven't murdered any innocent citizens.
An eye for an eye in a concept I believe in but:
When you have no connection to the wronged and choose to retaliate against someone who has zero accountability for the motivating event.. your are same evil your trying to fight.


Apr 25, 2002
When you take an oath, and get a badge, you have a connection. You are indirectly responsible for what is going on regardless if you gunned down the innocent or not.

When was the last time you had police officers turn out, in masse, to support the victim of police brutality?

BTW, the long posts were done on purpose. This is why they were labeled GOM THROWBACK.

Mr G

Drunk Pot-Head
Apr 4, 2007
Las Vegas
When you take an oath, and get a badge, you have a connection. You are indirectly responsible for what is going on regardless if you gunned down the innocent or not.

When was the last time you had police officers turn out, in masse, to support the victim of police brutality?

BTW, the long posts were done on purpose. This is why they were labeled GOM THROWBACK.
I said the retaliator had no connection to victims and the Dallas cops weren't accountable for the actions of others in another state. Police officer is a JOB. and a shitty 24k a year one at that... I signed a bunch of HR shit at my time of hire in my profession that can be paralleled to "oaths"... bro I just need my check to pay my bills... don't put too much extra on it.. they are NOT responsible for murderers in there same profession

EDIT: as far as seeing cops turn out in support, the Internet could be used to prove us both right yet, I have never been to a rally or protest so I can't call it
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Join date: May '98
May 8, 2002
So let me get this clear - you didn't say it was a good thing to kill the cops, but you think the shooter should get a medal?

I'm really trying to see where the disconnect here is. Do you think that because I said the cops shouldn't have been killed, I'm automatically not appalled that these other people were killed by cops?

Im trying to say we shouldn't resort to violence because this is going to be the response:

Check out the 1985 bombing section. This is what the response will be. Hundreds of homeless, plenty of dead, and a guy who remains mayor for 7 more years.


Apr 25, 2002
So let me get this clear - you didn't say it was a good thing to kill the cops, but you think the shooter should get a medal?

I'm really trying to see where the disconnect here is. Do you think that because I said the cops shouldn't have been killed, I'm automatically not appalled that these other people were killed by cops?

Im trying to say we shouldn't resort to violence because this is going to be the response:

Check out the 1985 bombing section. This is what the response will be. Hundreds of homeless, plenty of dead, and a guy who remains mayor for 7 more years.
If we're rewarding depravity, and clearly this society has, why shouldn't he have gotten a medal? We give medals when we invade other countries under the false pretenses of war and liberation so why shouldn't we award this guy? See how it works when shit is on your porch?


Apr 25, 2002
I said the retaliator had no connection to victims and the Dallas cops weren't accountable for the actions of others in another state. Police officer is a JOB. and a shitty 24k a year one at that... I signed a bunch of HR shit at my time of hire in my profession that can be paralleled to "oaths"... bro I just need my check to pay my bills... don't put to much extra on it.. they are NOT responsible for murders in there same profession
He obviously didn't give a fuck and thought he was seeking justice because the system as a whole, did nothing for those who have been killed. I mean you said it yourself that cops aren't getting the same sentences so what's the deal?

When you get that badge, you're "in" until you whistle-blow (which is rare) and it's Blue vs You. Yeah, they are trying to feed their kids, so was the guy who got smoked when he declared his weapon.

When was the last time you had police officers turn out, in masse, to support the victim of police brutality?

Mr G

Drunk Pot-Head
Apr 4, 2007
Las Vegas
Just edited my post to answer that question.
He thought he was seeking justice but justice would have been catching a flight to baton Rouge, Fresno, or Michigan.

Have you ever known a cop?


Apr 25, 2002
Just edited my post to answer that question.
He thought he was seeking justice but justice would have been catching a flight to baton Rouge, Fresno, or Michigan.
And I have yet to see cops turning out, en masse to support the victim of police brutality. It's never happened. You have a better chance of hitting the lotto five times in a row, fucking Beyonce, Alicia Keyes, Serena Williams in a threesome and a worm hole opening and dropping a Playstation 70 within the span of four hours. That's some highly unlikely shit right?

Have you ever known a cop?
Yep. Was a TA to a former one for two years straight.