Off Topic: Things I learned from reading Holler If You Hear Me by Micheal Eric Dyson

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Aug 21, 2002
Things I've learned from reading this book...
•White people are the cause of ghettos
•White people make black people smoke crack
•White people make black people steal
•White people make black people rob
•There are no poor white people

I know that you are being sarcastic Zer0, I know you well enough now... BRIANA has a point, that was out of line there.... Lemme break it down a little bit...

•White people are the cause of ghettos...
"Not at all," me as a black person know's that black people (well majority black) dont give two shit's about changing their live's for the better. "White" people try to build better development area's and better housing complexes, and all "we" do is fuck them up, spray paint, sell dope & demolish what was basically given to "us" and then try to turn around and blame it on "White people" for the way that we living... It is not their faults. White people helps out the black community too much and it is taken advantage of. Try getting off their asses and maybe something will look presentable... White people dont owe black people "shit" and if someone wants to blame white people for their downfalls, then that is a sign of their weaknesses, and basically ignorance....
•White people make black people smoke crack
Ha, ha... I wont even get on that one there... But the ABSOLUTE reason why cocaine is present here in the United States isn't because of black people, I'll tell you that... We dont own any planes or docking area's to bypass the law, we already know who brought that shit over here! We are suffering the affects of what they had started, and now it's in every neighborhood and when it hits the ghetto's, that doesn't make the white people anymore to be blamed because us "black folks and minorities" cant whip back and still handle business like the rich folks that use crack and other drugs. They'll trade their kids shoes off of their feet for a hit, and it's the white folks fault.... NO!!!! We do get sentenced to jail like a mutha cause we are perfecting dope sales, but hey it was sent to the hoods for "White folks" to make money, and when we figured that it was a way for us to come up, shit we ran with it and now it's all bad...
•White people make black people steal
•White people make black people rob

Hmmmm... Not exactly, it's just that nothing is being handed to the "black folks" cause "Supposedly" white people have all the money, and if they have it, then we gotta steal it from them... Our economy could be a lot better, but hey, business is business if you can hide what's right and nothing illegal leaks out... Of course we are 2 years late for a minimum wage increase, but if minimum wage is all you are making, then try a community college or technical school and maybe you can join the rat race and make a lil' more...
•There are no poor white people
Whover said that is dumb... There are more poor white people than black people period. We are less than 15% of the population, there's no way that, that even stands to be true... There are more successful white people than black people, let's put it like that....

fthaworld510 said:
dammit i new black people smokeing crack was my fault sorry to all the bla i mean aferican american people for the crack my bad dude
What's that suposed to mean dude... Where you around in the Early 1900's smuggling cocaine and shit over here? Why would you even say something like that!!! If you had any sense, you'd know that, that didn't even pertain to you, so apologizing aint helping shit, no one want's a half ass apology anyway's. This aint our (black & white people) land to be giving away, so fuck 40 acre's and a mule bullshit... You know the fuckin' story... African's didn't build ships to cruise over to America. Shit, we couldn't even navigate a fuckin' boat at that time... White people dont belong on North America's continent, nor does Black people originally, it was the fuckin' Indian's land. It's all said and done, and if people wanna dwell on the past and blame shit that had nothing to do with them on why their future aint looking so good, then too bad for them... And if a dufus want's to apologize for something like that, then he/she has to be twice as dumb...
Sep 23, 2002
Briana said:

I understand if you dont want to get into a race issue, being that most of your friends are white,but I feel you should say somthing...
Briana dam dog u are up tight as hell i was makeing a joke fuckin drama queen (noods head and sighs)
Sep 23, 2002
masZive apology hahahahahahaha fuck that no apology people are to fuckin up tight go listen to carlos mencia he is a comedian he makes jokes the shit people who arnt so up tight laugh at he is a mexican he makes fun of every type of person he makes a point in his shows to tell people if we cant make fun of each other with out offend someone else then are we really seperated as humens and not equal im done with this thread but wanna put some cracker jokes about me put um up i like to laugh maszive,briana anyone else who got mad cause of my post sucks for you

Aug 21, 2002
fthaworld510 said:
masZive apology hahahahahahaha fuck that no apology people are to fuckin up tight go listen to carlos mencia he is a comedian he makes jokes the shit people who arnt so up tight laugh at he is a mexican he makes fun of every type of person he makes a point in his shows to tell people if we cant make fun of each other with out offend someone else then are we really seperated as humens and not equal im done with this thread but wanna put some cracker jokes about me put um up i like to laugh maszive,briana anyone else who got mad cause of my post sucks for you

I am not offended dogg, if you read what you posted and then sit and think about it, it's stupid! I dont care about black jokes or white jokes, or whatever, ask NIck and Jose' and Steve... We all talk about each others race all the time... There was no need for an apology, I could really care less... A Hispanic talking about a black person aint nothing because they are more accepted to doing that with most people I know, but I dont care if he/she is white or whatever, but as I re-read what you posted, I still read it the same, because you read what Zer0 posted incorrectly, so it's like you said that being ignorant... To me mexicans can crack jokes on anyone they want to, cause they are the ones that has it bad. They haven't taken over any naturally black or white ran organization, and they work for close to nothing... I aint mad dude, skip it, it's all good, and honestly we can't make jokes about each other without getting mad because you can't say "everything" that comes to your mind and call it a joke cause you laughed...