Off Topic: Kickin' ass in Iraq

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Nov 14, 2002
I love being an American who is smart enough to understand why this is so fuckin' great, and has the ability to shove it in the faces of the uneducated. ::cough20sixxcough::

The next Rush Limbaugh, only less fat.
Aug 21, 2002
Zer0... Food Stamps???? Great... Maybe the wax between your keyboard, screen and ears is building up from the minimal daily movement out in front of your computer, you constantly say I want something, I dont want shit, I do what I have to, in order to get shit done, I dont ask for handouts, and I sure as hell dont beg... Like I said before, I said that because, "We have other problems here than fuckin' around somewhere else without firm proof!" Okay, Bush got lucky, the bastard still aint shit. I dont give a fuck if he reels in Bin Laden and Sadaam in the same hour, he's the worst fucking thing to happen to this country, him and his blood sucking father. I feel a little tension here Zer0, first I gotta be on Food Stamps and a minority, so, do you know how much I make then "White Guy?" So without you knowing a thing about me, you already labeled me and said I was a poor/minority to sum it all up... So that goes to show you, no matter how much I make or what I do, "IM STILL A NIGGA!" I guess I can't get outta this little hole that I am in huh? Why should I give a fuck about some dickhead that makes decisions for the upper class, and know's shit about the lower class, but somehow's knows what's better for those people...

I respect your opinion because we all have that right and I dont take shit hard at all, cause I know that I am doing to get what I want. Its a tough world, it's only the people that complain and cry all the time that are holding themselves back, and I am surely not going to fall to that, so I am trying to increase my income every year by doing what I do best. I have my reasons for my decisions, and wish that I wouldn't be in either category as to whether I am a democratic or republican. I dont give a shit cause neither is putting money in my pocket. That shit is wayyyy over my head, I am down here on earth, so until I can drive my fucking truck without getting pulled over twice a week because I supposedly look like someone else, or is a black guy in this racist fucking small Hick town but still run my driver license, or quit being followed in a fucking store because I am supposedly stealing and just got in the bitch, maybe I'll quit punching out security guards and fucking rent-a cops and super hero 5.25 an hour employees that take their jobs too far, for that shit and be able to focus on daily things like wondering what plan the fucking Rep. or Dem. are whipping up to suck me dry when I retire after I am 76 years old... I cant get past that, so until then, I have better things to do with my life than watch my tax dollars blow in the wind...

Fuck it, Believe it or not, I made 23,000 last year before taxes, and was a full time student, one of my college professors makes 21,000 dollars this year and she has been here for 19 years. I worked for fucking QuikTrip and she's teaching the fucking next generation but I made more than her. Well if Bush can break some rules and do what the fuck he want's to do, then damnit, I know he can look into what matters most. So yeah, I'm a minority and really only give a shit about myself and my family and could give a shit about voting either, cause I do my shit for me and no one else out there... No one gives a shit whether I make more money or lose money, cause if yall would open your fucking eyes and realize, color doesn't matter, your in the same fucking boat as I if I made less than 17,000... I'll do whatever I need to do to get what I want cause that's all everything is fucking about.. MONEY... So Zer0, I dont really give a shit about a check showing up to my door, or expect anything for any reason at all, I am thinking of other people other than myself.

Gas prices going down huh???? Get the fuck outta here, that's a lie if there ever was one. When gas is 74 cent's a gallon, then tell me that shit, cause that's what it was 5 years ago, now when we see number like that, then Bush is doing something for the people that "wasted" gas to vote for his ass...

Hey, we all have our own views of everything, so we definately aren't in the same boat, and for me to expect something other than what's been given which is nothing, I cant be faulted... We all have our own opinions... So take it however yall want, cause I guess, "I'M STILL A NIGGA!"

I fault no man for doing what he does in order to survive in this country, whether it be steal thousands of dollar from a bank or illegally recieve food stamps for years and never get caught... I dont give a shit, and hopefully everyone can swindle the fucking Gov. till it's dry... They swindle us, but some are too blind to see that...

As uch as I hate Bush, I am proud of the outcome with the war so far... SO FUCK IT, I CONTRADICT MYSELF, BUT AT LEAST NO ONE HAD TO TELL ME... Ha, ha...
Jul 7, 2002
MasZive said:

Gas prices going down huh???? Get the fuck outta here, that's a lie if there ever was one. When gas is 74 cent's a gallon, then tell me that shit, cause that's what it was 5 years ago, now when we see number like that, then Bush is doing something for the people that "wasted" gas to vote for his ass...

You know you are my boy MasZive...but its called INFLATION...learn about it...prices go up. It doesn't matter what party is in power...prices of everything (which last time I checked, included gas) tend to rise. Find a way to stop the inflation and you'll have your cheap gas.

Other than that...FUCK can kick it with Traj but can't shout at ya boy...thats fucked up
Feb 9, 2003
MasZive said:
Zer0... Food Stamps???? Great... Maybe the wax between your keyboard, screen and ears is building up from the minimal daily movement out in front of your computer, you constantly say I want something, I dont want shit, I do what I have to, in order to get shit done, I dont ask for handouts, and I sure as hell dont beg... Like I said before, I said that because, "We have other problems here than fuckin' around somewhere else without firm proof!" Okay, Bush got lucky, the bastard still aint shit. I dont give a fuck if he reels in Bin Laden and Sadaam in the same hour, he's the worst fucking thing to happen to this country, him and his blood sucking father. I feel a little tension here Zer0, first I gotta be on Food Stamps and a minority, so, do you know how much I make then "White Guy?" So without you knowing a thing about me, you already labeled me and said I was a poor/minority to sum it all up... So that goes to show you, no matter how much I make or what I do, "IM STILL A NIGGA!" I guess I can't get outta this little hole that I am in huh? Why should I give a fuck about some dickhead that makes decisions for the upper class, and know's shit about the lower class, but somehow's knows what's better for those people...

.... etc .....
That was deep, and stuff
Aug 26, 2002

TheVille31 said:
And JL, im white and my family is demcrat's. Just i dont think there are 2 many republicans in wyandotte


anyway....Maszive believe it or not...the president is NOT incontrol of the economy.....!!!! WE ARE!
c'mon kid..... you are the educated one here...or supposed to be?

Nov 14, 2002
I respect your opinion because we all have that right and I dont take shit hard at all, cause I know that I am doing to get what I want. Its a tough world, it's only the people that complain and cry all the time that are holding themselves back, and I am surely not going to fall to that, so I am trying to increase my income every year by doing what I do best. I have my reasons for my decisions, and wish that I wouldn't be in either category as to whether I am a democratic or republican. I dont give a shit cause neither is putting money in my pocket. That shit is wayyyy over my head, I am down here on earth, so until I can drive my fucking truck without getting pulled over twice a week because I supposedly look like someone else, or is a black guy in this racist fucking small Hick town but still run my driver license, or quit being followed in a fucking store because I am supposedly stealing and just got in the bitch, maybe I'll quit punching out security guards and fucking rent-a cops and super hero 5.25 an hour employees that take their jobs too far, for that shit and be able to focus on daily things like wondering what plan the fucking Rep. or Dem. are whipping up to suck me dry when I retire after I am 76 years old... I cant get past that, so until then, I have better things to do with my life than watch my tax dollars blow in the wind...
This is the only paragraph I read.

You think you have to be black to be followed around a store man? Lofuckin'L. Why do you think a nice white fellow like me doesn't even bother to enter stores like the now defunct Wiz, or Circut City, or Best Buy..? Don't use your fuckin' race against me man, that story is played and you know it. I get followed around just as much as you because my sweater isn't tight enough and my hair is dyed.

I fault no man for doing what he does in order to survive in this country, whether it be steal thousands of dollar from a bank or illegally recieve food stamps for years and never get caught... I dont give a shit, and hopefully everyone can swindle the fucking Gov. till it's dry... They swindle us, but some are too blind to see that...
This coming from the guy that complains up and down that the government is wasting money...

Look man, you took the food stamp comment too personally, I just mentioned it because of an earlier conversation we had about it..

And just a note, whenever your posts are long winded, they generally lack any substance, which is why I ignore them. Don't be fooled by these little idiots that go "that shit was deep". I know you're a cool kat and got your head on staight, which is why I don't understand where you got your crazy views. You're just stuck in this "the world is trying to fuck me over" mentality when in reality, this world is fuckin' great. You can do anything you want around here man, you just gotta work for it.

Okay, Bush got lucky, the bastard still aint shit. I dont give a fuck if he reels in Bin Laden and Sadaam in the same hour, he's the worst fucking thing to happen to this country, him and his blood sucking father.
Dumbest comment ever made on the siccness. Congrats. You just keep your little grudge and let it blind you from the rest of the world.

I feel a little tension here Zer0, first I gotta be on Food Stamps and a minority, so, do you know how much I make then "White Guy?" So without you knowing a thing about me, you already labeled me and said I was a poor/minority to sum it all up... So that goes to show you, no matter how much I make or what I do, "IM STILL A NIGGA!" I guess I can't get outta this little hole that I am in huh? Why should I give a fuck about some dickhead that makes decisions for the upper class, and know's shit about the lower class, but somehow's knows what's better for those people...
For years, I've been saying this... If all you think you are is a black person, that's all you are. There's plenty of black kats doin' plenty of things other than being black. They make more money than white people, they have nicer cars and easier jobs.

You wanna sit back and just be a fuckin' "nigga" all your life? Good for you. Try being a human being or a citizen for a change and quit whining like you and your fellow minorities have been raised to. Go out and make a name for yourself man. You kats just bitch and moan about being a minority, and if you keep it up, that's all you'll ever be. Any black man of importance didn't sit around and complain all day about his skin color.

Sometimes I think minorities would fight to KEEP racism so they'd continue to have something to bitch about and blame their troubles on.

You think because I'm white shit just falls into place for me? I know you don't. You're not that stupid. Come on man! People are people. Racism is so fuckin' over with it's ridiculous. It still exists in some places, but no more white vs. black than, black vs. hispanic or black vs white and so on... There's stupid people, and human beings.

Just be a human being man... Shit.
Aug 26, 2002

MasZive said:
no matter how much I make or what I do, "IM STILL A NIGGA!" .. So take it however yall want, cause I guess, "I'M STILL A NIGGA!"

MASIZVE.......good to see you are finally coming to terms with it....hahahaha


Nov 14, 2002
And I'm black, Spanish, Native American, white, AND indian trapped in this white body. It's all the same, and that's what I'm talkin' about.

::Zer0 just noticed because of this conversation, that he doesn't have any white friends::
Aug 21, 2002
Zer0... You know that I am not mad at you or any of your views dude... My posts are long because I type fast, so I tend to lose how much I write... That's my fault...

When you say that, "All I want to be is a nigga!" then that is wrong. I said that is how I am looked at, and "Refuse to let that hold me down!" No matter where I go, or where I am at, they dont know me or anything about me. I go to pump gas, and they shut the fucking pump off and ask me to pre-pay, and that was recently, but I used to work at the damned place and I know that you dont have to pre-pay, so I go in there and show my ass... I have stolen on those super employee's that try to follow me, and try to be hero's not knowing that I am there to buy shit, that is shit that I face on a daily basis. I believe that you do go through that shit too, but try it as a black man, then you'd tend to see it my way... And I am not using race against you dude, I am using reality. I refuse to cry over shit like that. I dont use a thing that happens to me in everyday life as excuses to justify my downfalls...

Hey, yall said "HEY, GAS IS DOWN!" Well what the fuck yall want me to say. Yall crediting Bush for it, but when I down him for it not being down, I am said to be wrong... Check back in this thread Heat, C'mon dude... Plus you be big timing it up there in the city, I guess since I am not a fan of BUSH, I can't kick it with the 70 Mile fam...

Oh yeah, Zer0... I am glad to have the dumbest posts for saying that Bush isn't shit... I want you to add that to your sig of Dumbnuts, so people can clearly see how I feel about the sick fucker... I never whine, and all I do is speak what's real. Never will you read in a thread where I am letting shit get to me... I am a man, not a hand holding wimp. Re-read homie...
Nov 14, 2002
When you say that, "All I want to be is a nigga!" then that is wrong. I said that is how I am looked at, and "Refuse to let that hold me down!" No matter where I go, or where I am at, they dont know me or anything about me. I go to pump gas, and they shut the fucking pump off and ask me to pre-pay, and that was recently, but I used to work at the damned place and I know that you dont have to pre-pay, so I go in there and show my ass... I have stolen on those super employee's that try to follow me, and try to be hero's not knowing that I am there to buy shit, that is shit that I face on a daily basis. I believe that you do go through that shit too, but try it as a black man, then you'd tend to see it my way...
I do see it your way man... It's not a matter of race is what I'm sayin'. I know you might see it that way because you haven't seen it any other way, but it's all the same. I don't go around sayin' "Hey, these kats are followin' me around because I'm white!!". Nah man.. It don't matter if you're white black purple or fuckin' green... It's a matter of age, really. Fuckin "ageists".

It's the problem that our generation thinks we have to be "thugs" or "hardcore" kats... You know what I'm talkin about. You and I see it every day. Kids that can't just hang out and have a good time, they got to break somethin' to show how fuckin' cool they are. That's why the cops bust balls, that's why people follow us around... Our generation brought it upon us, man.

This world is mostly color-blind, believe it or not... Then again, I grew up in NY so maybe it's different for you. I don't know. I'm just sayin', when you spit the "It's because I'm black" shit, people stop listening to you.

I've come to live with the fact that people judge me by the fact that I wear certain clothes, or the fact that people judge me by the music I listen to... I'm glad they do that, because it's an easy way to judge THEM. I'm a fuckin' honkey from NY that doesn't give a fuck. I like what I like and fuck you if you got a problem with that. I've lost a lot of friends because of that, but if they aren't with me in the first place, then they weren't friends at all...

I don't consider myself white, don't consider myself anything really... Only thing I worry about is my fuckin' hair and how many chains I got swingin'... LoL.

Nothin' but respect, MasZive. You my OG siccness homie... Just keep on keepin' on.
Oct 24, 2002
hahaha @ 2-0-Sixx

and i know he didnt take it the wrong way cuz anyone who listens to rap cant be racist IMO... like instead of fake ass thugs, fake ass rednecks

Maszive- I hate Bush 2, but I guess heat didnt know that haha. I feel ya dog on that following around shit. I get followed around but im sure certain things get you followed more. Clothes, hair, etc etc. Punks get followed becuz there crazy hair i guess. Im just sayin i hate gettin followed 2, probally just becuz i hang with alot of black people and usually have a black person with me haha. I hate when people say they get followed and they have nothing to follow it. Again good stuff Maszive. Fucked up about the gas though, but i know they do it to some of my friends cuz they are young, who knows.

Zero- I feel you on that age thing like I said above. And ya our Gen always thinks its cool to steal something or dont do school work. Thats why we got a bad name. And i feel ya again sayin people get this and that done cuz they are black, atleast Maszive is honest and has some views. Pretty much we have the same views on clothes and stuff.

Anyway I feel you guys on both.