Never in my life, aside from myself, have I ever seen or heard anybody like THIS GUY! You might know him from HypeTrak... This gets kinda outta hand, because its like Im in a convo with a similar(just from a different planet), version of me. I had a super hard time with finding the picture I was going to use for this interview. Because all of his photos are dope. So Im going to do something different and include pics the whole time... DONT TAKE THIS AS "JOC RIDING", its just amazing to meet people of this stature.
P*S: there are no gang affiliations, nor do Bubbles and Micheal really come around(or so they told me to say)... So, just read and ask no questions
KMH: Ok well now we begin, Whats craccin Loc?
A.T.C: Im posted. just took my meds so im chillin
KMH: Cool sounds like a usual night in Fairyland. So how did you begin with music?
A.T.C: My moms i think. i been into it since i was 5. All my Christmas', i just wanted cds, birthday money, never toys, always albums. I can tell you the year almost every album dropped. Been rapping since i was 7, composing since 12. Didnt have a father figure, so i guess sound filled that empty hole up.
KMH: You're like some kind of child prodigy then,lol. You couldve chose crack to fill in the postition of your father...but you chose music? You're a lame(haha).You talk about your mom alot, is she an important factor in your life? Or just a good addition in your jokes?(lol)
A.T.C: Both, she never really heard shit i made... IDK why. She let me be myself tho, i think thats why im fucked up. Kept me in the good neiborhoods, put me up on jazz. You can hear that in my music
KMH: Yea I remember you talking about the counselor shit and your mom or something like that. Then how she wanted to hear it and you just really played beats and deleted alot. Well in her letting you become yourself... did she show you the light with Louie Vuitton dildos and magenta crayons?
A.T.C: lmfao. she just let me be me. As a black kid in the 90's, its was about basketball and spots, and big ass shirts and toys. I didnt do none of that shit. I like to draw and collect cds. i hated jordans and didnt really have friends. she was really my only one, her and jason my imginary homie. She kept me in the best shit tho. i was in ralph lauren since i can remember. Thats why i love it so much because i see her when i throw that wack ass shit on
KMH: HAHA! I couldnt wear jordans, and I think I was the first in the area to "rock a dunk", so it was wack. Then it became a fad? WTF! So like me, you became chaotic due to your imagination? I tend to sell my soul to the devil for 30% off too... so dont feel bad, ha
A.T.C: I think so. the music i would play and cartoons fucked me up more. every teacher i had always said i had ADHD...... and that line, is about hitler
KMH: Haha! I heard he is your idol? Thats pretty fuckin gangsta my nigga
A.T.C: Nah, i just think he was a genius. His power was crazy. (the line goes

"Eating belgian waffles/italian biscoff/sold my soul to the devil...(for 30% off)..". That means nazis was in Europe taking over shit in the 30's and I wanted to learn so much more about him, the devil, so i sold my soul for the same price he took over.
K.M.H: Oh, thats an amazing concept. Thats really a good way to think of a punchline
A.T.C: I hate punchlines
K.M.H: Also i must say your voice on the song fascinates my girl,lol. Well yes, punchlines are usually at the end of jokes... So why would they be frequently used in rap songs...
A.T.C: i hate people that try so hard to think about them. like...."im hot, ok whats hot......a stove......", then find a word that rhymes with stove and they are the greatest rappers alive
K.M.H: HA... or pussy
K.M.H: So... whats going on outside of music for you
A.T.C: My magazine is comming out pretty soon......and hopefully a sketh comedy show, and i want to be a ballerina
K.M.H: Sweet, a member of MobbDeep was a ballerina... or at least thats what Jay-Z said
A.T.C: That nigga hard cuh!
K.M.H: Well if you do that, you can have that going for you! You'll be a legend in 50, Diddy, and JD's dancing eyes, so with the magazine how did you come up with that idea
A.T.C: i like reading. magazines is somthing i collected also. in 5th grade, i was suspended for a week for stealing 24 goosebumps books. I did it in a week, during class....and it was worth it, some good books.......
K.M.H: HA! So how did you end up with getting on with Anwar, Casey, and the rest of the ArrogantVegetables fam?
A.T.C: Lmfao. im not with them like that ahaha. Its like, we were in the same school but not the same class, I fucks with em tho. Actually, Anwar was the first person to ever have my shit on their page..."air balloon". 2006, nigga hit me up like" yo dog, your shit is fucking ill, your gonna be big"... Ill never forget that day. So thats my nigga! And Casey, idk how we hooked up...
K.M.H: Ha! Well youve givin some really non-psyco answers. This is great that im having this convo with you. Ive been thinking you stepped straight out the insane asylum like me
A.T.C: He hit me up. i noticed he fucked wih anwar, then it was magic. We both were young and had a passion for sound... No, i take that back. We both are young and have a passion for sound.
A.T.C: Fuck Slobs =)
K.M.H: HAHA!, nobody is going to know what you mean by slobs... hahaha... but I do,lol
A.T.C: lmfao. gangbangers piss me off... they are so ig-net... Fuck Slobs
K.M.H: HAHA! Well nice people also need a kick to the balls, dont you think? "BITCH DONT OPEN THE DOOR FOR ME! I'll jam your arm off in that bitch"
A.T.C: i hate polite people, that want to start convos and shit... bitch, stop talking to me
K.M.H: Please and thanks to that
KMH: Ha, smiling and shit
A.T.C: I just want to jack off and play piano
K.M.H: ha
A.T.C: leave me alone dad! No.....not the finger! =(
K.M.H: Or the beanbag gets it
A.T.C: -_-
K.M.H: Now the fun part... Melissa Ford with Herpes or Janet Jackson?
A.T.C: jesus
K.M.H: u think he'll love u more than a friend?
A.T.C: r-kelly is playing double dutch with my daughter
K.M.H: Really? Does she like it?
A.T.C: She's screaming, that little bitch
K.M.H: Ha, well do Bubbles and Micheal ever pay you visits?
A.T.C: Yeah, Mike is a cool nigga... the nigga made thriller
K.M.H: I mean but dog... he touches slow kids
A.T.C: Dont tell the FBI i said that... subject change
KMH: Ha... Ok, so how did you get into photos?
A.T.C: I really dont know. I always had a thing for em, I just ike the whole concept. I have a shitty ass 7 pixal kodak digi cam... shit sucks, but i make it work....cus i love it... Fuck Nick Cannon
K.M.H: Why Cannon?... he isnt worth namin
A.T.C: I Love Canon...Fuck Nikon... you can hear that in alot of my lyrics
K.M.H: LOLZ, true that. Speaking of music. who do you want to work with later in your career?
A.T.C: cortex. eminem. roy ayers, jesus. quiten taritino. the neptunes. and some other fucks. I want to do a song about cok with fam-lay, fabulos and clipse.... thats a dream song, then a shit talking dumb song with eminem, redman and ludacris
K.M.H: Sweet! I can hook that up in my next life... II (pause) FRONT PAGE OF YAHOO(just now):
A.T.C: Yeah i knew that, when the nigga was born, i knew that... And hes older than me, fucking fag. Fuck Slobs! Next up- Chris Brown And DMX
K.M.H: DMX is cool, he did shrooms with me once in 72. Have you met Rick James yet? Thats my nigga...
A.T.C: Nah, Rick James is Cool... Frank Zappa Is Better
K.M.H: Rod Stewart takes the cake
A.T.C: *serious face*
K.M.H: So how do you feel about the current retards in this lifetime... I*e: Bow Wow and Wayne shopping on Fairfax?
A.T.C: Idk? More power to them, its just clothing. Everyone is a sneaker head now and all this shit. I still wear the same shit i always liked: Bape, ralph lauren, and freshjive are my niggas. Im not a sneakerhead, and dont know what it feels like to be one. I wear the same beat up nikes i had since the 10 grade, no lie
K.M.H: Word... how did you get those beat up jawns?
A.T.C: I skate... if you dont skate, dont buy nike sb
K.M.H: Amen
A.TC: but yeah, skating fucked em up. I wish I could find them in my size again
K.M.H: what were they?
A.T.C: Those and these beat up lakais make a nigga feel good. They were UNLV: grey/red... loved them =)
K.M.H: word, so you dont have ANY other kicks?
A.T.C: Uh, some pumas, some ice creams, and some old as reeboks... Thats it, 5 pairs of shoes... Im doin bad
KMH: Good stuff ... Your ok, man... Its funny you only say 5 being in the environment that you're in
A.T.C: Yeah man.....just be yourself, im so fucking comfy man... I dont need al this bull shit to feel great... just some jazz tracks and my nigga
K.M.H: Them niggas be killin them pictures "On fairfax, with their air max, and their dub taps"
A.T.C: Lmfao, that shit is stupid. Niggas say they fitted and shit cus they got a fuckin shirt with guns? Get the fuck outta here... fitted? If you care about that then your life is fucked up
K.M.H: Ha, niggas dont realize they're not as exclusive as they think!
A.T.C: yeah man, they not
K.M.H: If im in VA across the continent... how is it I have the same things you want to cop... cmon man... God dont like ugly
A.T.C: I feel you... lmfao, i really dont belive in the dude...i think
K.M.H: Lolz... People say hes a woman... but if such is true... why would lesbian-ism be bad?...Virgin Mary had God(the woman)'s baby... cmon now
A.T.C: lmfao... i really dont have areligion, i just live and enjoy life
K.M.H: sounds cool man...
K.M.H: Ok now we are coming to the end of the interview... any last words before your ending shout out/ this or that segment?
A.T.C: Mcain 08.......OJ Did It, And I Have To Get Signed, I have Too Much Going For Myself...........Pro Abbortion!
K.M.H: Ok... this or that...
this interview or getting wasted?
A.T.C: interview, i dont smoke or drink. Just not me
K.M.H: Cool... drug free! You're crazy enough as it is, lol! Blowing up in music or becoming a doctor
A.T.C: Music... a nigga with asthma cant save lives
K.M.H: HAHA!!! You pull out that inhaler alot too! The women of your dreams or the woman you created?
A.T.C: lmfao, i dont have kids... so the women of my dreams! And she is real, I was with her on friday
K.M.H: Aww sweet... Stussy dildos or Louie dildos?
A.T.C: BBC ones No Homo... When I get Signed, my Whole Closet Is Gonna Be Ice Creamed Up
K.M.H: OK... bbc casio or bbc rubix cube...
A.T.C: neither... season 3 running dog tee, yellow....xl... or a record deal on star trak
K.M.H: Coo,coo... So die a legend or live and be looked over
A.T.C: Idk... life is too beautiful, im a legend in my own world! Fuck opinions
A.T.C: Out.....gotta go to the store...peace... and thank alot for this bro. The first nigga to ever care
K.M.H: I got you homie, im always into creative people... quick shouts?
A.T.C: uh... Thanks To In Search of, marshall Mathers LP And Tropeu Bleu... Hey Mom!
K.M.H: lolz
A.T.C: Odd Future Mag/Tape Coming Yesterday, Peace........