Frank has been in OF since mid 2009 he said (I think on his Tumblr, could be wrong) with the first features being on Mellowhype's Blackenedwhite. I'm not sure when Nostalgia, Ultra was recorded but it was under Def Jam that's why I'm guessing no one from OF is on it. Infact from what I remember there are no features at all on the album. He was on Goblin of course, has said he will be on almost all the up coming members releases and him and Hodgy are working on a EP together. He reps OF in almost every interview I've read by him and on his twitter and tumblr often from what I've seen. A lot of people still don't know he is in OF though and some are flat out surprised when they find out, that is all true. I'm sure with the release of She though that is changing quickly. Seeing he was backburnered for quite awhile with Def Jam to the point that he released his album for free he probably isn't too happy with them and I would guess he will be leaving whenever what he is contracted through is up. That last sentence is all speculation on my part though of course.