Me and oh boy go way back. He used to be on some more East Coast/commercial/Jay-Z type stuff, but it's good to see him reppin' Dago hella hard now. We comin' at the rest of the world. They ain't ready.
^^^any battle homie on "106 and park" is gonna be garbage because they sensor the things you say, so im sure both had better punches but they're on TV so they cant say it.
^^^any battle homie on "106 and park" is gonna be garbage because they sensor the things you say, so im sure both had better punches but they're on TV so they cant say it.
i just seen the re run that was a great look 4 dago:dead: ) we should get a lot of industry people comin 2 sign dago artist now:eyecross:
southeast should bee on da map real soon
dago stand up!!
who u got? and how much u got on ur dude?
bring 2 dudes and we'll bring OB and my lil nigga
taj-He-Spitz from the bay 16yrs old, i got wutever u got on it
Obnoxious is still doin it huh?!?!?! I haven't seen that cat in a few years (around the time I told Smigg & Rocc about the Batkave in the parking lot of that Dennys with Ceza haha).. He's spittin cool...
and Smigg your shit is all clean on your myspace page homie. If you're in Hollywood let me know (I got a couple plugs for you here...
taj-he-spitz that dude is a beast (and he's 16),are u guys signing dude?
I watch all his battles on youtube and are you on that new LOON and YOUNG BOP album?